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Re: [PATCH] line folding support

From: Benno Schulenberg
Subject: Re: [PATCH] line folding support
Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2023 17:23:17 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/102.9.0

Thanks for posting your work.  Interesting.  But... I'm not sure
about the user experience.  (See at the end of this mail.)

Op 01-04-2023 om 23:59 schreef rexy712:
Line folding is the ability for to hide or collapse a section of a file when you don't need to see it. All IDEs I've used have had this feature and it's the one thing I feel GNU nano has been missing when working from the terminal.

Well... nano is meant to be a simple editor, not an IDE.

This patch is pretty massive, so I've also split it into multiple patches after finishing.

Thanks for splitting it up.  But when having the parts, sending also the
integrated patch was not needed -- it just doubles the size of your mail.

+#include <ctype.h>
+       /* isspace */

A leftover?  It compiles fine without this.

+void unfold_folded_segment_from(linestruct *line)

This functions is used just once.  Merging it into its caller makes
things clearer.

+/* Remove a folded segment containing the given line */

"Remove"??  You probably mean "Unfold"?
Also: sentences should end with a period.

+   for(;line != NULL && line->folded;line = line->next)

Keywords should have a space after them.  Semicolons too.

+/* Get the last member of the folded segment */

"Member"?  Probably "line" is meant?

+/* Remove any folded_segments within the range [top, bottom].

There is no 'top' nor 'bottom" among the parameters of the function,
nor even in its body.  These comments are badly out of sync.

+        * If not, top is unmodified. */
+       if (!line->folded) {
+               linestruct *bot;
+               find_bracketed_region(openfile->current, &line, &bot);
+       }

Where's 'top'?  And when not using a variable for anything ('bot'),
better call it 'dummy' or something like that.

@@ -262,9 +267,13 @@ void extract_segment(linestruct *top, size_t top_x, 
linestruct *bot, size_t bot_

+       if (top != bot) {
+               UNFOLD_SEGMENT(top);
+               for (linestruct *line = top->next; line != bot->next; line = 
line->next) {
+                       UNFOLD_SEGMENT(line);
                        had_anchor |= line->has_anchor;
+               }
+       }

This seems superfluous.  Why unfold anything when extracting a bunch of lines?
Wouldn't it be nice if one could cut and paste stuff in a folded state?

@@ -376,6 +377,8 @@ bool do_next_word(bool after_ends)

+       UNFOLD_SEGMENT(openfile->current);

Why should jumping to the next word unfold anything?  When in Geany a section
is folded, Ctrl+Right jumps right over it, as if it contains zero words.  Does
that works differently in other editors/IDEs?

@@ -147,7 +147,8 @@ void do_backspace(void)

-               do_left();
+               openfile->current = openfile->current->prev;
+               openfile->current_x = strlen(openfile->current->data);

Why is this change needed?  Because it changes nano's behavior in an
edge case.  Do for example

    nano --ignore NEWS --jumpy

Then type ^V three times, followed by Backspace.  With the above change
nano no longer centers the current line.  Sure, few people will use
--jumpyscrolling, and few will hit Backspace without seeing what they
are backing into, but still.

I haven't looked at the rest of your patches -- the whole thing is
too massive.  Instead I've tried out how it works.

In a C file, I need to be between a pair of braces for M-[ to do anything.
I would have expected it, when not between braces, to find the first brace
after the current position and then fold that section, and put the cursor
after it, so that a subsequent M-[ will fold the next section, and so on.
When the first found brace belongs to a folded section, then unfold it,
of course.  But that's just me -- I have no experience with folding.

When in a text file, like the README, I would expect an M-[ (when nothing
is selected and the cursor is not on a folded section) to simply unfold
the first preceding folded section.  That avoids having to precisely
place the cursor.


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