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Re: [Nel] Nel & GPL Licensing Question

From: Loic Dachary
Subject: Re: [Nel] Nel & GPL Licensing Question
Date: Fri, 1 Nov 2002 15:40:05 +0100

Mike Stoddart writes:
 > If I develop a game using Nel, and I wish to distribute it, do I have to 
 > release the source to my game? Is that how the GPL license works?

        You look at the problem with the wrong angle. The question
really is:

"If I develop a game using NeL, am I allowed to publish the
game as a whole, including NeL library, under a proprietary license ?"

        And the answer is:

"Of course not, it's plain illegal to do so. Why would the author
share with people who are not willing to share ? Why would anyone want
to deal with people who say "what's yours is mine and what's mine is
mine" ? Did you ever see a proprietary software vendor allowing
competitors to abuse the programs they distribute in such a way ?  Why
would you expect Free Software authors to allow such misuse ?"

        Nothing, not the GNU GPL or any license can force you to do
something against your will. You never "have to release" a program
for which you hold copyright. The GNU GPL can, however, forbid you to
use NeL together with a proprietary software, regardless of who wrote
it (you or someone else).

        Does this make sense ? Proprietary software vendors actively
try to spread false ideas, basically saying : "GNU GPL is a virus, it
takes over your will and force you to do things, it's evil!". They
even go as far as to ask the governments to ban the GNU GPL by law
because of this.  A simple thing that helps prevent such a catastrophy
to happen is to tell everyone : "GNU GPL forbids you to mix with
proprietary software, what's wrong with that ?". 

        For more please check


Loic   Dachary  address@hidden
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