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[Net::FTPServer] Grotesque passive-mode hack

From: Richard Jones
Subject: [Net::FTPServer] Grotesque passive-mode hack
Date: Fri, 8 Sep 2006 17:35:13 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.9i

I'd like to share this grotesque hack that I just created to get
passive mode working correctly behind a complex firewall.

The situation is that the FTP server is on a machine behind the
firewall.  It has a private IP address, say,  The firewall
has a public address, say,

The firewall is redirecting public facing ports 21 and 49991-49998
through to the FTP server.

The problem is that when the client requests passive mode,
Net::FTPServer advertises its own address as, saying
something like:

  227 Entering Passive Mode (10,1,2,3,195,75)

The hack changes this to display the public IP address, ie:

  227 Entering Passive Mode (180,4,5,6,195,75)

This really needs to be turned into a configuration file setting, if
someone wants to step up to do that.

Anyhow, without any further ado, here is the hack:

sub my_PASV_command {
  my $self = shift;

  $self->{_passive_next_port} = 49991
    if !defined $self->{_passive_next_port};
  my $port = $self->{_passive_next_port};
  $self->{_passive_next_port} = 49991 if $self->{_passive_next_port} == 49999;

  print STDERR "custom passive port = $port\n";

  "0" =~ /(0)/; # Perl 5.7 / IO::Socket::INET bug workaround.
  my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new
              (Listen => 1,
               LocalAddr => $self->{sockaddrstring},
               LocalPort => $port,
               Reuse => 1,
               Proto => "tcp",
               Type => SOCK_STREAM);

  unless ($sock)
        # Return a code 550 here, even though this is not in the RFC. XXX
        $self->reply (550, "Can't open a listening socket: $!");

  $self->{_passive} = 1;
  $self->{_passive_sock} = $sock;

  # Get our port number.
  my $sockport = $sock->sockport;

  # Split the port number into high and low components.
  my $p1 = int ($sockport / 256);
  my $p2 = $sockport % 256;

  # Be very precise about this error message, since most clients
  # will have to parse the whole of it.
  $self->reply (227, "Entering Passive Mode (180,4,5,6,$p1,$p2)");
$self->{command_table}{PASV} = \&my_PASV_command;


Richard Jones, CTO Merjis Ltd.
Merjis - web marketing and technology -
Team Notepad - intranets and extranets for business -

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