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[Nmh-workers] 1.1rc3 - patch to support sending to port 587

From: Valdis . Kletnieks
Subject: [Nmh-workers] 1.1rc3 - patch to support sending to port 587
Date: Mon, 09 Aug 2004 20:45:48 -0400

Here's a short patch that first tries to submit to the "submission" port (587),
and only tries port 25 if that fails.  This is probably going to be needed by
nmh users that use a remote SMTP/POP host, as more and more ISPs
block or hijack port 25.

--- mts/smtp/smtp.c.dist        2003-10-24 16:17:37.000000000 -0400
+++ mts/smtp/smtp.c     2004-08-07 00:49:59.696371114 -0400
@@ -208,8 +208,10 @@ smtp_init (char *client, char *server, i
        client = "localhost";
-    if ((sd1 = rclient (server, "tcp", "smtp")) == NOTOK)
-       return RP_BHST;
+    if ((sd1 = rclient (server, "tcp", "submission")) == NOTOK) {
+        if ((sd1 = rclient (server, "tcp", "smtp")) == NOTOK)
+           return RP_BHST;
+    }
 #ifdef MPOP
     if (sm_ispool) {

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