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Re: [Nmh-workers] Ready to roll a new release?

From: Josh Bressers
Subject: Re: [Nmh-workers] Ready to roll a new release?
Date: Tue, 03 Jan 2006 12:43:22 -0500

> I haven't paid much attention to stuff over the holidays.  I did
> notice that Josh made a bunch of cosmetic changes (that I'm not
> sure that I agree with but hey, that's the way it goes).

I'm always up for feedback and discussion.  I have the current goal of
cleaning up the current codebase, which is probably needed before any sort
of reasonable changes can be made to nmh.  Right now new features just seem
to get bolted onto the side of an already homely machine rather than having
a sane separation between the user bits, and the library bits.


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