[2010-10-29 14:22] David Levine <address@hidden>
> meillo wrote:
> > just one question for better understanding:
> >
> > Who or what is ``JLR''?
> >
> > There are several #ifdefs for JLR in code which is related to scan(1).
> > There is also a comments which appears to be written by JLR and
> > docs/ChangeLog_MH-3_to_MH-6.6 lists changes done for JLR.
> John Romine, I expect. From docs/README.about:
> In 1982, the University of California, Irvine took up
> maintenance of the software, under the direction of Marshall
> T. Rose and John L. Romine.
That seems to be reasonable.
Does anyone know some more? Had he had his personal, modified,
version of MH, because this is how it appears?
Stuff under #ifdef JLR means something experimental I was working on.