On Sat, Dec 24, 2011 at 16:24, David Levine
<address@hidden> wrote:
Stephen wrote:
> In nmh 1.3 (and 1.4-RC2), the "post" program doesn't read the
> user's profile file. It is quite deliberate about this, calling
> context_foil(). Why?
> The result I see is that post does not obey my fileproc profile
> entry, contrary to the documentation in the mh-profile man page.
> < Stephen
You're right. I don't know why it doesn't read the user's
profile. It should be a simple change to the code and the
post man page. Can anyone think of a reason not to fix post?
I've noticed this too. At one point I was trying to harvest e-mail addresses I sent mail to so that I could auto-add them to a spam white-list.