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Re: [Nmh-workers] mh-v (was repl and mime handling)

From: rader
Subject: Re: [Nmh-workers] mh-v (was repl and mime handling)
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2012 13:42:19 -0600

 >     >> Is mh-v public?  I don't recall it being mentioned before.
 >     rader> No, "mh-v" is not public yet.  It's a little rough around the
 >     rader> edges.  But it is very functional: it's replaced EXMH for me,
 >     rader> which I used daily for 16 or 17 years.
 >     rader> I'll make a formal announcement someday soon.  If anyone
 >     rader> would like to check it out before then, drop me a line.  (Oh,
 >     rader> btw, as you might expect, it's a VI interface for MH/nmh.)
 > oh, wow.
 > My wife still hates me because I pushed her from elm to mutt.
 > (She hated pine more than mutt)

Would your wife like using vim + groff instead of MSWord or OpenOffice Writer
or Google Docs??  

I'm not attempting to appeal to the masses.  I am creating/have created a
MH/nmh front end in perl + curses that is very fast, vaguely emulates EXMH,
does not use a mouse, is Vim-ish and has GTK+ colorization.

 > How is the interface to folders?   My wife has hundreds of folders.

At startup, the cost is reading ~/Mail/.folders.  Navigating/changing folders
is also done via "+FOLDER" or ":FOLDER" (think Vim "colon command"), which
includes tab completion, almost no cost.  No folder listing is displayed until
asked for ("folders mode", where folders are listed in the lower pane that
usually displays "show" output.)  Invoking folders mode costs reading the
.mh_sequences file for each folder.  I have around 800 folders.  I hide all but
~100 by not listing them in .folders.  (They all are still accessable, of


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