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Re: [Nmh-workers] message rewrite/fix up

From: David Levine
Subject: Re: [Nmh-workers] message rewrite/fix up
Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2013 16:38:32 -0500

Ralph wrote:

> :-) It also avoids reading the whole of the email.  BTW,
> your brackets for tr are actually asking it to
> transliterate an open bracket to an open bracket and so
> on.

Thanks.  I avoid sed, tr, etc., as I'm sure you can tell.

> >  #      Message-IDs should be unique, so there should be no need to
> >  #      backup a file with the same name, especially if it is
> >  #      malicious.  If the backup file already exists, use 2).
> Even if they are unique, and I've had incoming ones that aren't,
> they could differ in a way that's removed by y#/#.#.  I wonder if
> the fallback should be to use $mi as the base for whatever the POSIX
> way of mktemp(1) is and let it avoid the clash.

I don't see a POSIX program to make a temp file, so it might
be best to write a trivial program using mktemp(3).  But
that's beyond what I want to do now.  Especially given that,
if they're not unique without the substitution, a backup
message might be lost anyway.  I'll note the deficiencies it
in the documentation.


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