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Re: [Nmh-workers] mhfixmsg refuses to decode binary content

From: David Levine
Subject: Re: [Nmh-workers] mhfixmsg refuses to decode binary content
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 16:24:03 -0400

Jerrad wrote:

> It recreates text/plain alternative parts for me, and sometimes
> creates new ones, but it fails to create them for HTML parts
> with long lines, as Ken recapped above.

It turns out that the failure was not due to long lines, but to
non-ASCII characters in what was supposed to be an ASCII html page.
I just added diagnostics to mhfixmsg for this.  It will now output
something like (the strerror message may vary):

    mhfixmsg: 1394 part 1, insert text/plain part
    mhfixmsg: 1394 part 1.1, will not decode because it is binary (line length 
> 998)
    mhfixmsg: 1394 part 1.2, failed to convert US-ASCII to UTF-8 iconv: Invalid 
or incomplete multibyte or wide character

Its exit status will remain -1 due to the charset conversion
failure.  Failure to decode to binary does not change the
exit status.

The 8-bit characters start at byte 164,833 in the message.


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