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Re: mhfixmsg character set conversion

From: David Levine
Subject: Re: mhfixmsg character set conversion
Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2022 20:02:38 -0800

Steven wrote:

> Thank you!  I'll check it out tomorrow and see what happens.  Do you
> think the patch will apply to 1.7.1, or will I need to install the
> latest version from the repository?

It's been almost 4 years since 1.7.1 so I wouldn't try patching it.
This is an easy way to download and build the latest, assuming that
you have the prerequisites listed in the MACHINES file (and respond
to the build_nmh questions):

    wget http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/nmh.git/plain/build_nmh
    sh build_nmh -v

>    - While testing on Friday, I emptied that file out completely and still
>      observed the same behaviour.

Ah, OK, maybe it wasn't lynx.  I don't know enough about your
environment to say exactly what heppened.  And so I'm not certain
that we've solved the problem yet.  The mismatch between what external
programs did and what mhfixmsg expected was definitely a problem.

> While I'm replying to you anyway, I realize I forgot to reply to your
> question from yesterday morning.  You asked:
>    Have you tried the -decodeheaderfieldbodies switch to mhfixmsg?
> I haven't, mainly because I didn't know that switch existed.  I don't know
> what it does (other than what I can infer from the name, of course), and I
> can't find any mention of it in the man page for mhfixmsg, or anywhere in
> the source code for version 1.7.1.  Was this switch added after 1.7.1 was
> released?

Yes, it was added in January 2018 but not included in 1.7.1.

> >I'm not completely sure that this will fix your problem because
> >it's aimed at added text/plain parts.  But with -noreplacetextplain
> >I think that's the path to your issue.
> Please advise on the easiest way to try it (between applying 41ce4490ac5d to
> 1.7.1, or just downloading and building the current version of the master
> branch), and I'll do so tomorrow (I'm unable to do it before then due to
> a prior commitment).

I would try the latest nmh.  And/or send me the message off-line and I'll
take a look.


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