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Re: mhfixmsg character set conversion

From: David Levine
Subject: Re: mhfixmsg character set conversion
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2022 02:58:14 +0000

Steven writes:

> >we could decode ASCII because 1) we've seen it in the wild, 2) it seems as
> >harmless as it is pointless to encode ASCII as ASCII, assuming no NULs,
> >and 3) it's a proper subset of UTF-8 so it doesn't interfere with the
> >semantics of the "-decodeheaderfieldbodies utf8" switch.
> That also makes sense.

Ok, I'll add support for it to mhfixmsg -decodeheaderfieldbodies utf8.

> >This line is too long, I'm not sure if that is related or if it's a
> >separate issue:
> It's probably related.  I can't prove that, but in general, shorter subject
> lines appear to be passed through without encoding.
> Regardless, this kind of thing is exactly what I'm trying to eliminate in
> my saved messages.  I just realized that my decode_headers program doesn't
> detect the second encoded string in the same header, but I'm about to go
> fix that. :-)

When I look at the message in the lists.nongnu.org archive [1], the
line isn't too long.  But it's not folded, either.  The continuation
is on separate line with no leading whitespace.  So I would expect
some message parsers, including nmh's, to not detect it.


[1] https://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/nmh-workers/2022-02/msg00122.html

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