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Re: new release?

From: David Levine
Subject: Re: new release?
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2022 19:26:10 -0700

Ken wrote:

> What I'd like is to have mhical simply
> edit out everything that makes the iCal file a REQUEST (which I think
> is just the METHOD:REQUEST, or whatever that thing is, plus the list
> of attendees)

The convert_to_reply() function does close to that, converting

> and then I can feed that to Apple Calendar.  I'd do that
> myself, but I haven't had the time.  Would that be hard to add?

If a REPLY could be fed to Calendar, all we'd need to do is save it.
Maybe provide something analogous to the Fcc: of email messages?  If
the REPLY line needs to be stripped out, that wouldn't be hard.


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