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[Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 06/06: Task #1247 - Fiche figée si " ' " dan
From: |
Dany De Bontridder |
Subject: |
[Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 06/06: Task #1247 - Fiche figée si " ' " dans le quickcode #1247 : corrige script pour quick-code et enlève fonctions inutiles |
Date: |
Mon, 14 Dec 2015 11:30:48 +0000 |
sparkyx pushed a commit to branch master
in repository noalyss.
commit a6de3a8761c103bdb598455c05c03f3d9d1298bf
Author: Dany De Bontridder <address@hidden>
Date: Mon Dec 14 12:23:37 2015 +0100
Task #1247 - Fiche figée si " ' " dans le quickcode
#1247 : corrige script pour quick-code et enlève fonctions inutiles
sql/upgrade.sql | 420 ++++++++++++++++---------------------------------------
1 files changed, 124 insertions(+), 296 deletions(-)
diff --git a/sql/upgrade.sql b/sql/upgrade.sql
index a5fd965..130c9dc 100644
--- a/sql/upgrade.sql
+++ b/sql/upgrade.sql
@@ -1,307 +1,135 @@
-DROP TRIGGER fiche_detail_upd_trg ON fiche_detail;
-CREATE TRIGGER fiche_detail_upd_trg
- after UPDATE
- ON fiche_detail
- EXECUTE PROCEDURE comptaproc.fiche_detail_qcode_upd();
-insert into menu_ref(me_code,me_file,me_menu,me_description,me_type)
-values ('RAW:receipt','export_receipt.php','Exporte la pièce','export la pièce
justificative d''une opération','PR');
-insert into profile_menu (me_code,p_id,p_type_display) select
'RAW:receipt',p_id,'P' from profile where p_id > 0;
-insert into menu_ref(me_code,me_file,me_menu,me_description,me_type)
-values ('RAW:document','export_document.php','Export le document','exporte le
document d''un événement','PR');
-insert into profile_menu (me_code,p_id,p_type_display) select
'RAW:document',p_id,'P' from profile where p_id > 0;
-insert into menu_ref(me_code,me_file,me_menu,me_description,me_type)
-values ('RAW:document_template','export_document_template.php','Exporte le
modèle de document','export le modèle de document utilisé dans le suivi','PR');
-insert into profile_menu (me_code,p_id,p_type_display) select
'RAW:document_template',p_id,'P' from profile where p_id > 0;
-delete from PROFILE_USER where pu_id in (select b.pu_id
- from profile_user as a , profile_user as b
- where
- upper(a.user_name) = b.user_name and a.pu_id <> b.pu_id );
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION comptaproc.trg_profile_user_ins_upd()
- RETURNS trigger AS
-NEW.user_name := lower(NEW.user_name);
-return NEW;
-language plpgsql;
-CREATE TRIGGER profile_user_ins_upd
- ON profile_user
- EXECUTE PROCEDURE comptaproc.trg_profile_user_ins_upd();
-COMMENT ON TRIGGER profile_user_ins_upd ON profile_user IS 'Force the column
user_name to lowercase';
-delete from user_sec_jrn where uj_id in (select b.uj_id
- from user_sec_jrn as a , user_sec_jrn as b
- where
- upper(a.uj_login) = b.uj_login and a.uj_id<> b.uj_id);
-update user_sec_jrn set uj_login = lower(uj_login);
-ALTER TABLE user_sec_jrn
- ADD CONSTRAINT uniq_user_ledger UNIQUE(uj_login , uj_jrn_id );
-COMMENT ON CONSTRAINT uniq_user_ledger ON user_sec_jrn IS 'Create an unique
combination user / ledger';
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION comptaproc.trg_user_sec_jrn_ins_upd()
- RETURNS trigger AS
-NEW.uj_login:= lower(NEW.uj_login);
-return NEW;
-language plpgsql;
-CREATE TRIGGER user_sec_jrn_after_ins_upd
- ON user_sec_jrn
- EXECUTE PROCEDURE comptaproc.trg_user_sec_jrn_ins_upd();
-COMMENT ON TRIGGER user_sec_jrn_ins_upd ON user_sec_jrn IS 'Force the column
uj_login to lowercase';
-delete from user_sec_act where ua_id in (select b.ua_id
- from user_sec_act as a , user_sec_act as b
- where
- upper(a.ua_login) = b.ua_login and a.ua_id<> b.ua_id);
-update user_sec_act set ua_login = lower(ua_login);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION comptaproc.trg_user_sec_act_ins_upd()
- RETURNS trigger AS
-NEW.ua_login:= lower(NEW.ua_login);
-return NEW;
-language plpgsql;
-CREATE TRIGGER user_sec_act_ins_upd
- ON user_sec_act
- EXECUTE PROCEDURE comptaproc.trg_user_sec_act_ins_upd();
-COMMENT ON TRIGGER user_sec_act_ins_upd ON user_sec_act IS 'Force the column
ua_login to lowercase';
-update todo_list set use_login = lower(use_login);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION comptaproc.trg_todo_list_ins_upd()
- RETURNS trigger AS
-NEW.use_login:= lower(NEW.use_login);
-return NEW;
-language plpgsql;
-CREATE TRIGGER todo_list_ins_upd
- ON todo_list
- EXECUTE PROCEDURE comptaproc.trg_todo_list_ins_upd();
-COMMENT ON TRIGGER todo_list_ins_upd ON todo_list IS 'Force the column
use_login to lowercase';
-delete from todo_list_shared where id in (select b.id
- from todo_list_shared as a , todo_list_shared as b
- where
- upper(a.use_login) = b.use_login and a.id<> b.id);
-update todo_list_shared set use_login = lower(use_login);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION comptaproc.trg_todo_list_shared_ins_upd()
- RETURNS trigger AS
-NEW.use_login:= lower(NEW.use_login);
-return NEW;
-language plpgsql;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION comptaproc.insert_quick_code(nf_id integer,
tav_text text)
+ RETURNS integer AS
+ declare
+ ns integer;
+ nExist integer;
+ tText text;
+ tBase text;
+ tName text;
+ nCount Integer;
+ nDuplicate Integer;
+ begin
+ tText := lower(trim(tav_text));
+ tText := replace(tText,' ','');
+ tText:= translate(tText,E' $€µ£%+/\\!(){}(),;&|"#''^<>*','');
+ tText := translate(tText,E'éèêëàâäïîüûùöôç','eeeeaaaiiuuuooc');
+ nDuplicate := 0;
+ tBase := tText;
+ loop
+ -- take the next sequence
+ select nextval('s_jnt_fic_att_value') into ns;
+ if length (tText) = 0 or tText is null then
+ select count(*) into nCount from fiche_detail where
f_id=nf_id and ad_id=1;
+ if nCount = 0 then
+ tText := 'FICHE'||ns::text;
+ else
+ select ad_value into tName from fiche_detail
where f_id=nf_id and ad_id=1;
+ tName := lower(trim(tName));
+ tName := substr(tName,1,6);
+ tName := replace(tName,' ','');
+ tName:= translate(tName,E'
+ tName :=
+ tBase := tName;
+ if nDuplicate = 0 then
+ tText := tName;
+ else
+ tText := tName||nDuplicate::text;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- av_text already used ?
+ select count(*) into nExist
+ from fiche_detail
+ where
+ ad_id=23 and ad_value=upper(tText);
+ if nExist = 0 then
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ nDuplicate := nDuplicate + 1 ;
+ tText := tBase || nDuplicate::text;
+ if nDuplicate > 9999 then
+ raise Exception 'too many duplicate % duplicate#
+ end if;
+ end loop;
-CREATE TRIGGER todo_list_shared_ins_upd
- ON todo_list_shared
- EXECUTE PROCEDURE comptaproc.trg_todo_list_shared_ins_upd();
-COMMENT ON TRIGGER todo_list_shared_ins_upd ON todo_list_shared IS 'Force the
column ua_login to lowercase';
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION comptaproc.action_gestion_ins_upd()
- RETURNS trigger AS
-NEW.ag_title := substr(trim(NEW.ag_title),1,70);
-NEW.ag_hour := substr(trim(NEW.ag_hour),1,5);
-NEW.ag_owner := lower(NEW.ag_owner);
-return NEW;
+ insert into fiche_detail(jft_id,f_id,ad_id,ad_value) values
+ return ns;
+ end;
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-alter table quant_sold add column qs_unit numeric(20,4) default 0;
-update quant_sold set qs_unit = qs_price / qs_quantite;
-alter table quant_purchase add column qp_unit numeric(20,4) default 0;
-update quant_purchase set qp_unit = qp_price / qp_quantite;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION comptaproc.insert_quant_sold(p_internal text, p_jid
numeric, p_fiche character varying, p_quant numeric, p_price numeric, p_vat
numeric, p_vat_code integer, p_client character varying, p_tva_sided numeric,
p_price_unit numeric)
- fid_client integer;
- fid_good integer;
- select f_id into fid_client from
- fiche_detail where ad_id=23 and ad_value=upper(trim(p_client));
- select f_id into fid_good from
- fiche_detail where ad_id=23 and ad_value=upper(trim(p_fiche));
- insert into quant_sold
- values
- return;
- $BODY$
- LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION comptaproc.insert_quant_purchase(p_internal text,
p_j_id numeric, p_fiche character varying, p_quant numeric, p_price numeric,
p_vat numeric, p_vat_code integer, p_nd_amount numeric, p_nd_tva numeric,
p_nd_tva_recup numeric, p_dep_priv numeric, p_client character varying,
p_tva_sided numeric,p_price_unit numeric)
- fid_client integer;
- fid_good integer;
- select f_id into fid_client from
- fiche_detail where ad_id=23 and ad_value=upper(trim(p_client));
- select f_id into fid_good from
- fiche_detail where ad_id=23 and ad_value=upper(trim(p_fiche));
- insert into quant_purchase
- (qp_internal,
- j_id,
- qp_fiche,
- qp_quantite,
- qp_price,
- qp_vat,
- qp_vat_code,
- qp_nd_amount,
- qp_nd_tva,
- qp_nd_tva_recup,
- qp_supplier,
- qp_dep_priv,
- qp_vat_sided,
- qp_unit)
- values
- (p_internal,
- p_j_id,
- fid_good,
- p_quant,
- p_price,
- p_vat,
- p_vat_code,
- p_nd_amount,
- p_nd_tva,
- p_nd_tva_recup,
- fid_client,
- p_dep_priv,
- p_tva_sided,
- p_price_unit);
- return;
- $BODY$
- LANGUAGE plpgsql ;
-update attr_def set ad_extra=4 where ad_id in (6,7);
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION comptaproc.menu_complete_dependency(n_profile
- n_count integer;
- csr_root_menu cursor (p_profile numeric) is select pm_id,
- me_code,
- me_code_dep
- from profile_menu
- where
- me_code in
- (select a.me_code_dep
- from profile_menu as a
- join profile_menu as b on (a.me_code=b.me_code and
a.me_code_dep=b.me_code_dep and a.pm_id <> b.pm_id and a.p_id=b.p_id)
- where a.p_id=n_profile)
- and p_id=p_profile;
- for duplicate in csr_root_menu(n_profile)
+update fiche_detail set ad_value=replace(ad_value,'''','-') where ad_id=23;
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION comptaproc.update_quick_code(njft_id integer,
tav_text text)
+ RETURNS integer AS
+ declare
+ ns integer;
+ nExist integer;
+ tText text;
+ tBase text;
+ old_qcode varchar;
+ num_rows_jrnx integer;
+ num_rows_predef integer;
+ begin
+ -- get current value
+ select ad_value into old_qcode from fiche_detail where jft_id=njft_id;
+ -- av_text didn't change so no update
+ if tav_text = upper( trim(old_qcode)) then
+ raise notice 'nothing to change % %' , tav_text,old_qcode;
+ return 0;
+ end if;
+ tText := trim(lower(tav_text));
+ tText := replace(tText,' ','');
+ -- valid alpha is [ . : - _ ]
+ tText := translate(tText,E' $€µ£%+/\\!(){}(),;&|"#''^<>*','');
+ tText := translate(tText,E'éèêëàâäïîüûùöôç','eeeeaaaiiuuuooc');
+ tText := upper(tText);
+ if length ( tText) = 0 or tText is null then
+ return 0;
+ end if;
+ ns := njft_id;
+ tBase := tText;
- raise notice 'found %',duplicate;
- update profile_menu set pm_id_dep = duplicate.pm_id
- where pm_id in (select a.pm_id
- from profile_menu as a
- left join profile_menu as b on
(a.me_code=b.me_code and a.me_code_dep=b.me_code_dep)
- where
- a.p_id=n_profile
- and b.p_id=n_profile
- and a.pm_id_dep is null
- and a.me_code_dep = duplicate.me_code
- and a.pm_id < b.pm_id);
- end loop;
- for duplicate in csr_root_menu(n_profile)
- loop
- select count(*) into n_count from profile_menu where
p_id=n_profile and pm_id_dep = duplicate.pm_id;
- raise notice '% use % times',duplicate,n_count;
- if n_count = 0 then
- raise notice ' Update with %',duplicate;
- update profile_menu set pm_id_dep = duplicate.pm_id
where p_id = n_profile and me_code_dep = duplicate.me_code and pm_id_dep is
+ -- av_text already used ?
+ select count(*) into nExist
+ from fiche_detail
+ where
+ ad_id=23 and ad_value=tText
+ and jft_id <> njft_id;
+ if nExist = 0 then
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ if tText = tBase||ns then
+ -- take the next sequence
+ select nextval('s_jnt_fic_att_value') into ns;
end if;
+ tText :=tBase||ns;
end loop;
-LANGUAGE plpgsql ;
+ update fiche_detail set ad_value = tText where jft_id=njft_id;
+ -- update also the contact
+ update fiche_detail set ad_value = tText
+ where jft_id in
+ ( select jft_id
+ from fiche_detail
+ where ad_id=25 and ad_value=old_qcode);
+ return ns;
+ end;
+ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-delete from profile_menu where pm_id_dep is not null and pm_id_dep not in
(select pm_id from profile_menu);
\ No newline at end of file
+DROP FUNCTION comptaproc.insert_quant_purchase(text, numeric, character
varying, numeric, numeric, numeric, integer, numeric, numeric, numeric,
numeric, character varying, numeric);
+DROP FUNCTION comptaproc.insert_quant_purchase(text, numeric, text, numeric,
numeric, numeric, integer, numeric, numeric, numeric, numeric, text, numeric);
+DROP FUNCTION comptaproc.insert_quant_sold(text, numeric, character varying,
numeric, numeric, numeric, integer, character varying, numeric);
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] branch master updated (240211c -> a6de3a8), Dany De Bontridder, 2015/12/14
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 02/06: code indent, Dany De Bontridder, 2015/12/14
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 01/06: Task #1226 - Classement fiches par poste comptable - sous-poste #1226 : forcer le classement en text en ajoutant "TEXT", Dany De Bontridder, 2015/12/14
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 04/06: Task #1226 - Classement fiches par poste comptable - sous-poste #1226 : forcer le classement en text en ajoutant "TEXT", Dany De Bontridder, 2015/12/14
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 03/06: Task #1249 - Recherche dans CUSTOMER , SUPPLIER, Dany De Bontridder, 2015/12/14
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 06/06: Task #1247 - Fiche figée si " ' " dans le quickcode #1247 : corrige script pour quick-code et enlève fonctions inutiles,
Dany De Bontridder <=
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 05/06: Esthetic, Dany De Bontridder, 2015/12/14