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[Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 64/107: Add demo for fontello
From: |
Dany De Bontridder |
Subject: |
[Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 64/107: Add demo for fontello |
Date: |
Mon, 26 Aug 2019 10:32:01 -0400 (EDT) |
sparkyx pushed a commit to branch master
in repository noalyss.
commit b20c6e7c65cd8f9402b27cda3d4de35c9f92c32c
Author: Dany De Bontridder <address@hidden>
Date: Tue Aug 6 00:15:28 2019 +0200
Add demo for fontello
html/image/fontello/css/animation.css | 85 +++++
html/image/fontello/css/fontello-codes.css | 96 ++++++
html/image/fontello/css/fontello-embedded.css | 149 +++++++++
html/image/fontello/css/fontello-ie7-codes.css | 96 ++++++
html/image/fontello/css/fontello-ie7.css | 107 ++++++
html/image/fontello/css/fontello.css | 152 +++++++++
html/image/fontello/demo.html | 446 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
7 files changed, 1131 insertions(+)
diff --git a/html/image/fontello/css/animation.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac5a956
--- /dev/null
+++ b/html/image/fontello/css/animation.css
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ Animation example, for spinners
+.animate-spin {
+ -moz-animation: spin 2s infinite linear;
+ -o-animation: spin 2s infinite linear;
+ -webkit-animation: spin 2s infinite linear;
+ animation: spin 2s infinite linear;
+ display: inline-block;
+@-moz-keyframes spin {
+ 0% {
+ -moz-transform: rotate(0deg);
+ -o-transform: rotate(0deg);
+ -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);
+ transform: rotate(0deg);
+ }
+ 100% {
+ -moz-transform: rotate(359deg);
+ -o-transform: rotate(359deg);
+ -webkit-transform: rotate(359deg);
+ transform: rotate(359deg);
+ }
+@-webkit-keyframes spin {
+ 0% {
+ -moz-transform: rotate(0deg);
+ -o-transform: rotate(0deg);
+ -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);
+ transform: rotate(0deg);
+ }
+ 100% {
+ -moz-transform: rotate(359deg);
+ -o-transform: rotate(359deg);
+ -webkit-transform: rotate(359deg);
+ transform: rotate(359deg);
+ }
+@-o-keyframes spin {
+ 0% {
+ -moz-transform: rotate(0deg);
+ -o-transform: rotate(0deg);
+ -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);
+ transform: rotate(0deg);
+ }
+ 100% {
+ -moz-transform: rotate(359deg);
+ -o-transform: rotate(359deg);
+ -webkit-transform: rotate(359deg);
+ transform: rotate(359deg);
+ }
+@-ms-keyframes spin {
+ 0% {
+ -moz-transform: rotate(0deg);
+ -o-transform: rotate(0deg);
+ -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);
+ transform: rotate(0deg);
+ }
+ 100% {
+ -moz-transform: rotate(359deg);
+ -o-transform: rotate(359deg);
+ -webkit-transform: rotate(359deg);
+ transform: rotate(359deg);
+ }
+@keyframes spin {
+ 0% {
+ -moz-transform: rotate(0deg);
+ -o-transform: rotate(0deg);
+ -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);
+ transform: rotate(0deg);
+ }
+ 100% {
+ -moz-transform: rotate(359deg);
+ -o-transform: rotate(359deg);
+ -webkit-transform: rotate(359deg);
+ transform: rotate(359deg);
+ }
diff --git a/html/image/fontello/css/fontello-codes.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a7d1c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/html/image/fontello/css/fontello-codes.css
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+.icon-logout:before { content: '\e800'; } /* '' */
+.icon-cancel-circled:before { content: '\e801'; } /* '' */
+.icon-cancel-circled2:before { content: '\e802'; } /* '' */
+.icon-eye:before { content: '\e803'; } /* '' */
+.icon-upload:before { content: '\e804'; } /* '' */
+.icon-download:before { content: '\e805'; } /* '' */
+.icon-attention:before { content: '\e806'; } /* '' */
+.icon-search:before { content: '\e807'; } /* '' */
+.icon-mail:before { content: '\e808'; } /* '' */
+.icon-anchor:before { content: '\e809'; } /* '' */
+.icon-resize-full-alt:before { content: '\e80a'; } /* '' */
+.icon-tag:before { content: '\e80b'; } /* '' */
+.icon-cw:before { content: '\e80c'; } /* '' */
+.icon-edit:before { content: '\e80d'; } /* '' */
+.icon-attention-circled:before { content: '\e80e'; } /* '' */
+.icon-trash-empty:before { content: '\e80f'; } /* '' */
+.icon-doc:before { content: '\e810'; } /* '' */
+.icon-calendar:before { content: '\e811'; } /* '' */
+.icon-edit-1:before { content: '\e812'; } /* '' */
+.icon-resize-full:before { content: '\e813'; } /* '' */
+.icon-up-bold:before { content: '\e814'; } /* '' */
+.icon-down-fat:before { content: '\e815'; } /* '' */
+.icon-cancel-circled2-1:before { content: '\e816'; } /* '' */
+.icon-upload-1:before { content: '\e817'; } /* '' */
+.icon-exclamation:before { content: '\e818'; } /* '' */
+.icon-down-open-1:before { content: '\e819'; } /* '' */
+.icon-up-open-1:before { content: '\e81a'; } /* '' */
+.icon-left-open-1:before { content: '\e81b'; } /* '' */
+.icon-right-open-1:before { content: '\e81c'; } /* '' */
+.icon-arrows-cw:before { content: '\e81d'; } /* '' */
+.icon-down-dir:before { content: '\e81e'; } /* '' */
+.icon-up-dir:before { content: '\e81f'; } /* '' */
+.icon-cog:before { content: '\e820'; } /* '' */
+.icon-cog-alt:before { content: '\e821'; } /* '' */
+.icon-down-dir-1:before { content: '\e822'; } /* '' */
+.icon-up-dir-1:before { content: '\e823'; } /* '' */
+.icon-down-open-2:before { content: '\e824'; } /* '' */
+.icon-right-open-2:before { content: '\e825'; } /* '' */
+.icon-left-open-2:before { content: '\e826'; } /* '' */
+.icon-up-open-2:before { content: '\e827'; } /* '' */
+.icon-plus:before { content: '\e828'; } /* '' */
+.icon-compass:before { content: '\e829'; } /* '' */
+.icon-resize-full-alt-1:before { content: '\e82a'; } /* '' */
+.icon-tag-1:before { content: '\e82b'; } /* '' */
+.icon-edit-2:before { content: '\e82c'; } /* '' */
+.icon-compass-1:before { content: '\e82d'; } /* '' */
+.icon-cogs:before { content: '\e82e'; } /* '' */
+.icon-up:before { content: '\e82f'; } /* '' */
+.icon-thumbs-up:before { content: '\e830'; } /* '' */
+.icon-lock:before { content: '\e831'; } /* '' */
+.icon-lock-open:before { content: '\e832'; } /* '' */
+.icon-thumbs-down:before { content: '\e833'; } /* '' */
+.icon-bell:before { content: '\e834'; } /* '' */
+.icon-resize-small:before { content: '\e835'; } /* '' */
+.icon-resize-full-1:before { content: '\e836'; } /* '' */
+.icon-right-hand:before { content: '\e837'; } /* '' */
+.icon-left-hand:before { content: '\e838'; } /* '' */
+.icon-up-hand:before { content: '\e839'; } /* '' */
+.icon-down-hand:before { content: '\e83a'; } /* '' */
+.icon-eye-off:before { content: '\e83b'; } /* '' */
+.icon-arrows-cw-1:before { content: '\e83c'; } /* '' */
+.icon-down-open:before { content: '\f004'; } /* '' */
+.icon-up-open:before { content: '\f005'; } /* '' */
+.icon-right-open:before { content: '\f006'; } /* '' */
+.icon-left-open:before { content: '\f007'; } /* '' */
+.icon-move:before { content: '\f047'; } /* '' */
+.icon-info-circled-alt:before { content: '\f086'; } /* '' */
+.icon-link-ext:before { content: '\f08e'; } /* '' */
+.icon-comment-empty:before { content: '\f0e5'; } /* '' */
+.icon-doc-text:before { content: '\f0f6'; } /* '' */
+.icon-plus-squared:before { content: '\f0fe'; } /* '' */
+.icon-angle-circled-left:before { content: '\f137'; } /* '' */
+.icon-angle-circled-right:before { content: '\f138'; } /* '' */
+.icon-angle-circled-up:before { content: '\f139'; } /* '' */
+.icon-angle-circled-down:before { content: '\f13a'; } /* '' */
+.icon-lock-open-alt:before { content: '\f13e'; } /* '' */
+.icon-ellipsis-vert:before { content: '\f142'; } /* '' */
+.icon-sort-alt-up:before { content: '\f160'; } /* '' */
+.icon-sort-alt-down:before { content: '\f161'; } /* '' */
+.icon-bitbucket:before { content: '\f171'; } /* '' */
+.icon-linux:before { content: '\f17c'; } /* '' */
+.icon-dot-circled:before { content: '\f192'; } /* '' */
+.icon-plus-squared-alt:before { content: '\f196'; } /* '' */
+.icon-fax:before { content: '\f1ac'; } /* '' */
+.icon-sliders:before { content: '\f1de'; } /* '' */
+.icon-share:before { content: '\f1e0'; } /* '' */
+.icon-calc:before { content: '\f1ec'; } /* '' */
+.icon-bell-off-empty:before { content: '\f1f7'; } /* '' */
+.icon-toggle-off:before { content: '\f204'; } /* '' */
+.icon-toggle-on:before { content: '\f205'; } /* '' */
+.icon-safari:before { content: '\f267'; } /* '' */
+.icon-chrome:before { content: '\f268'; } /* '' */
+.icon-firefox:before { content: '\f269'; } /* '' */
+.icon-calendar-1:before { content: '\f4c5'; } /* '' */
+.icon-search-1:before { content: '\f50d'; } /* '' */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html/image/fontello/css/fontello-embedded.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e1ba7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/html/image/fontello/css/fontello-embedded.css
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+@font-face {
+ font-family: 'fontello';
+ src: url('../font/fontello.eot?30012397');
+ src: url('../font/fontello.eot?30012397#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
+ url('../font/fontello.svg?30012397#fontello') format('svg');
+ font-weight: normal;
+ font-style: normal;
+@font-face {
+ font-family: 'fontello';
+ src:
+/* Chrome hack: SVG is rendered more smooth in Windozze. 100% magic, uncomment
if you need it. */
+/* Note, that will break hinting! In other OS-es font will be not as sharp as
it could be */
+@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) {
+ @font-face {
+ font-family: 'fontello';
+ src: url('../font/fontello.svg?30012397#fontello') format('svg');
+ }
+ [class^="icon-"]:before, [class*=" icon-"]:before {
+ font-family: "fontello";
+ font-style: normal;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ speak: none;
+ display: inline-block;
+ text-decoration: inherit;
+ width: 1em;
+ margin-right: .2em;
+ text-align: center;
+ /* opacity: .8; */
+ /* For safety - reset parent styles, that can break glyph codes*/
+ font-variant: normal;
+ text-transform: none;
+ /* fix buttons height, for twitter bootstrap */
+ line-height: 1em;
+ /* Animation center compensation - margins should be symmetric */
+ /* remove if not needed */
+ margin-left: .2em;
+ /* you can be more comfortable with increased icons size */
+ /* font-size: 120%; */
+ /* Uncomment for 3D effect */
+ /* text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px rgba(127, 127, 127, 0.3); */
+.icon-logout:before { content: '\e800'; } /* '' */
+.icon-cancel-circled:before { content: '\e801'; } /* '' */
+.icon-cancel-circled2:before { content: '\e802'; } /* '' */
+.icon-eye:before { content: '\e803'; } /* '' */
+.icon-upload:before { content: '\e804'; } /* '' */
+.icon-download:before { content: '\e805'; } /* '' */
+.icon-attention:before { content: '\e806'; } /* '' */
+.icon-search:before { content: '\e807'; } /* '' */
+.icon-mail:before { content: '\e808'; } /* '' */
+.icon-anchor:before { content: '\e809'; } /* '' */
+.icon-resize-full-alt:before { content: '\e80a'; } /* '' */
+.icon-tag:before { content: '\e80b'; } /* '' */
+.icon-cw:before { content: '\e80c'; } /* '' */
+.icon-edit:before { content: '\e80d'; } /* '' */
+.icon-attention-circled:before { content: '\e80e'; } /* '' */
+.icon-trash-empty:before { content: '\e80f'; } /* '' */
+.icon-doc:before { content: '\e810'; } /* '' */
+.icon-calendar:before { content: '\e811'; } /* '' */
+.icon-edit-1:before { content: '\e812'; } /* '' */
+.icon-resize-full:before { content: '\e813'; } /* '' */
+.icon-up-bold:before { content: '\e814'; } /* '' */
+.icon-down-fat:before { content: '\e815'; } /* '' */
+.icon-cancel-circled2-1:before { content: '\e816'; } /* '' */
+.icon-upload-1:before { content: '\e817'; } /* '' */
+.icon-exclamation:before { content: '\e818'; } /* '' */
+.icon-down-open-1:before { content: '\e819'; } /* '' */
+.icon-up-open-1:before { content: '\e81a'; } /* '' */
+.icon-left-open-1:before { content: '\e81b'; } /* '' */
+.icon-right-open-1:before { content: '\e81c'; } /* '' */
+.icon-arrows-cw:before { content: '\e81d'; } /* '' */
+.icon-down-dir:before { content: '\e81e'; } /* '' */
+.icon-up-dir:before { content: '\e81f'; } /* '' */
+.icon-cog:before { content: '\e820'; } /* '' */
+.icon-cog-alt:before { content: '\e821'; } /* '' */
+.icon-down-dir-1:before { content: '\e822'; } /* '' */
+.icon-up-dir-1:before { content: '\e823'; } /* '' */
+.icon-down-open-2:before { content: '\e824'; } /* '' */
+.icon-right-open-2:before { content: '\e825'; } /* '' */
+.icon-left-open-2:before { content: '\e826'; } /* '' */
+.icon-up-open-2:before { content: '\e827'; } /* '' */
+.icon-plus:before { content: '\e828'; } /* '' */
+.icon-compass:before { content: '\e829'; } /* '' */
+.icon-resize-full-alt-1:before { content: '\e82a'; } /* '' */
+.icon-tag-1:before { content: '\e82b'; } /* '' */
+.icon-edit-2:before { content: '\e82c'; } /* '' */
+.icon-compass-1:before { content: '\e82d'; } /* '' */
+.icon-cogs:before { content: '\e82e'; } /* '' */
+.icon-up:before { content: '\e82f'; } /* '' */
+.icon-thumbs-up:before { content: '\e830'; } /* '' */
+.icon-lock:before { content: '\e831'; } /* '' */
+.icon-lock-open:before { content: '\e832'; } /* '' */
+.icon-thumbs-down:before { content: '\e833'; } /* '' */
+.icon-bell:before { content: '\e834'; } /* '' */
+.icon-resize-small:before { content: '\e835'; } /* '' */
+.icon-resize-full-1:before { content: '\e836'; } /* '' */
+.icon-right-hand:before { content: '\e837'; } /* '' */
+.icon-left-hand:before { content: '\e838'; } /* '' */
+.icon-up-hand:before { content: '\e839'; } /* '' */
+.icon-down-hand:before { content: '\e83a'; } /* '' */
+.icon-eye-off:before { content: '\e83b'; } /* '' */
+.icon-arrows-cw-1:before { content: '\e83c'; } /* '' */
+.icon-down-open:before { content: '\f004'; } /* '' */
+.icon-up-open:before { content: '\f005'; } /* '' */
+.icon-right-open:before { content: '\f006'; } /* '' */
+.icon-left-open:before { content: '\f007'; } /* '' */
+.icon-move:before { content: '\f047'; } /* '' */
+.icon-info-circled-alt:before { content: '\f086'; } /* '' */
+.icon-link-ext:before { content: '\f08e'; } /* '' */
+.icon-comment-empty:before { content: '\f0e5'; } /* '' */
+.icon-doc-text:before { content: '\f0f6'; } /* '' */
+.icon-plus-squared:before { content: '\f0fe'; } /* '' */
+.icon-angle-circled-left:before { content: '\f137'; } /* '' */
+.icon-angle-circled-right:before { content: '\f138'; } /* '' */
+.icon-angle-circled-up:before { content: '\f139'; } /* '' */
+.icon-angle-circled-down:before { content: '\f13a'; } /* '' */
+.icon-lock-open-alt:before { content: '\f13e'; } /* '' */
+.icon-ellipsis-vert:before { content: '\f142'; } /* '' */
+.icon-sort-alt-up:before { content: '\f160'; } /* '' */
+.icon-sort-alt-down:before { content: '\f161'; } /* '' */
+.icon-bitbucket:before { content: '\f171'; } /* '' */
+.icon-linux:before { content: '\f17c'; } /* '' */
+.icon-dot-circled:before { content: '\f192'; } /* '' */
+.icon-plus-squared-alt:before { content: '\f196'; } /* '' */
+.icon-fax:before { content: '\f1ac'; } /* '' */
+.icon-sliders:before { content: '\f1de'; } /* '' */
+.icon-share:before { content: '\f1e0'; } /* '' */
+.icon-calc:before { content: '\f1ec'; } /* '' */
+.icon-bell-off-empty:before { content: '\f1f7'; } /* '' */
+.icon-toggle-off:before { content: '\f204'; } /* '' */
+.icon-toggle-on:before { content: '\f205'; } /* '' */
+.icon-safari:before { content: '\f267'; } /* '' */
+.icon-chrome:before { content: '\f268'; } /* '' */
+.icon-firefox:before { content: '\f269'; } /* '' */
+.icon-calendar-1:before { content: '\f4c5'; } /* '' */
+.icon-search-1:before { content: '\f50d'; } /* '' */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html/image/fontello/css/fontello-ie7-codes.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc69015
--- /dev/null
+++ b/html/image/fontello/css/fontello-ie7-codes.css
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+.icon-logout { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-cancel-circled { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-cancel-circled2 { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-eye { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML
= ' '); }
+.icon-upload { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-download { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-attention { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-search { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-mail { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-anchor { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-resize-full-alt { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-tag { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML
= ' '); }
+.icon-cw { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML
= ' '); }
+.icon-edit { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-attention-circled { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-trash-empty { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-doc { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML
= ' '); }
+.icon-calendar { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-edit-1 { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-resize-full { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-up-bold { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-down-fat { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-cancel-circled2-1 { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-upload-1 { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-exclamation { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-down-open-1 { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-up-open-1 { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-left-open-1 { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-right-open-1 { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-arrows-cw { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-down-dir { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-up-dir { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-cog { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML
= ' '); }
+.icon-cog-alt { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-down-dir-1 { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-up-dir-1 { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-down-open-2 { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-right-open-2 { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-left-open-2 { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-up-open-2 { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-plus { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-compass { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-resize-full-alt-1 { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-tag-1 { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-edit-2 { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-compass-1 { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-cogs { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-up { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML
= ' '); }
+.icon-thumbs-up { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-lock { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-lock-open { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-thumbs-down { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-bell { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-resize-small { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-resize-full-1 { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-right-hand { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-left-hand { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-up-hand { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-down-hand { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-eye-off { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-arrows-cw-1 { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-down-open { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-up-open { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-right-open { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-left-open { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-move { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-info-circled-alt { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-link-ext { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-comment-empty { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-doc-text { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-plus-squared { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-angle-circled-left { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-angle-circled-right { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] =
'1', this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-angle-circled-up { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-angle-circled-down { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-lock-open-alt { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-ellipsis-vert { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-sort-alt-up { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-sort-alt-down { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-bitbucket { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-linux { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-dot-circled { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-plus-squared-alt { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-fax { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML
= ' '); }
+.icon-sliders { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-share { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-calc { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-bell-off-empty { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-toggle-off { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-toggle-on { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-safari { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-chrome { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-firefox { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-calendar-1 { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-search-1 { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html/image/fontello/css/fontello-ie7.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b028886
--- /dev/null
+++ b/html/image/fontello/css/fontello-ie7.css
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+[class^="icon-"], [class*=" icon-"] {
+ font-family: 'fontello';
+ font-style: normal;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ /* fix buttons height */
+ line-height: 1em;
+ /* you can be more comfortable with increased icons size */
+ /* font-size: 120%; */
+.icon-logout { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-cancel-circled { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-cancel-circled2 { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-eye { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML
= ' '); }
+.icon-upload { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-download { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-attention { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-search { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-mail { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-anchor { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-resize-full-alt { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-tag { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML
= ' '); }
+.icon-cw { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML
= ' '); }
+.icon-edit { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-attention-circled { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-trash-empty { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-doc { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML
= ' '); }
+.icon-calendar { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-edit-1 { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-resize-full { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-up-bold { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-down-fat { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-cancel-circled2-1 { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-upload-1 { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-exclamation { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-down-open-1 { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-up-open-1 { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-left-open-1 { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-right-open-1 { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-arrows-cw { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-down-dir { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-up-dir { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-cog { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML
= ' '); }
+.icon-cog-alt { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-down-dir-1 { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-up-dir-1 { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-down-open-2 { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-right-open-2 { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-left-open-2 { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-up-open-2 { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-plus { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-compass { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-resize-full-alt-1 { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-tag-1 { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-edit-2 { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-compass-1 { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-cogs { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-up { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML
= ' '); }
+.icon-thumbs-up { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-lock { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-lock-open { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-thumbs-down { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-bell { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-resize-small { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-resize-full-1 { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-right-hand { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-left-hand { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-up-hand { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-down-hand { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-eye-off { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-arrows-cw-1 { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-down-open { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-up-open { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-right-open { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-left-open { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-move { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-info-circled-alt { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-link-ext { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-comment-empty { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-doc-text { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-plus-squared { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-angle-circled-left { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-angle-circled-right { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] =
'1', this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-angle-circled-up { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-angle-circled-down { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-lock-open-alt { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-ellipsis-vert { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-sort-alt-up { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-sort-alt-down { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-bitbucket { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-linux { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-dot-circled { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-plus-squared-alt { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-fax { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML
= ' '); }
+.icon-sliders { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-share { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-calc { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-bell-off-empty { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-toggle-off { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-toggle-on { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-safari { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-chrome { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-firefox { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-calendar-1 { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
+.icon-search-1 { *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1',
this.innerHTML = ' '); }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html/image/fontello/css/fontello.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c1edd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/html/image/fontello/css/fontello.css
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+@font-face {
+ font-family: 'fontello';
+ src: url('../font/fontello.eot?62647818');
+ src: url('../font/fontello.eot?62647818#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
+ url('../font/fontello.woff2?62647818') format('woff2'),
+ url('../font/fontello.woff?62647818') format('woff'),
+ url('../font/fontello.ttf?62647818') format('truetype'),
+ url('../font/fontello.svg?62647818#fontello') format('svg');
+ font-weight: normal;
+ font-style: normal;
+/* Chrome hack: SVG is rendered more smooth in Windozze. 100% magic, uncomment
if you need it. */
+/* Note, that will break hinting! In other OS-es font will be not as sharp as
it could be */
+@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) {
+ @font-face {
+ font-family: 'fontello';
+ src: url('../font/fontello.svg?62647818#fontello') format('svg');
+ }
+ [class^="icon-"]:before, [class*=" icon-"]:before {
+ font-family: "fontello";
+ font-style: normal;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ speak: none;
+ display: inline-block;
+ text-decoration: inherit;
+ width: 1em;
+ margin-right: .2em;
+ text-align: center;
+ /* opacity: .8; */
+ /* For safety - reset parent styles, that can break glyph codes*/
+ font-variant: normal;
+ text-transform: none;
+ /* fix buttons height, for twitter bootstrap */
+ line-height: 1em;
+ /* Animation center compensation - margins should be symmetric */
+ /* remove if not needed */
+ margin-left: .2em;
+ /* you can be more comfortable with increased icons size */
+ /* font-size: 120%; */
+ /* Font smoothing. That was taken from TWBS */
+ -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
+ -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
+ /* Uncomment for 3D effect */
+ /* text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px rgba(127, 127, 127, 0.3); */
+.icon-logout:before { content: '\e800'; } /* '' */
+.icon-cancel-circled:before { content: '\e801'; } /* '' */
+.icon-cancel-circled2:before { content: '\e802'; } /* '' */
+.icon-eye:before { content: '\e803'; } /* '' */
+.icon-upload:before { content: '\e804'; } /* '' */
+.icon-download:before { content: '\e805'; } /* '' */
+.icon-attention:before { content: '\e806'; } /* '' */
+.icon-search:before { content: '\e807'; } /* '' */
+.icon-mail:before { content: '\e808'; } /* '' */
+.icon-anchor:before { content: '\e809'; } /* '' */
+.icon-resize-full-alt:before { content: '\e80a'; } /* '' */
+.icon-tag:before { content: '\e80b'; } /* '' */
+.icon-cw:before { content: '\e80c'; } /* '' */
+.icon-edit:before { content: '\e80d'; } /* '' */
+.icon-attention-circled:before { content: '\e80e'; } /* '' */
+.icon-trash-empty:before { content: '\e80f'; } /* '' */
+.icon-doc:before { content: '\e810'; } /* '' */
+.icon-calendar:before { content: '\e811'; } /* '' */
+.icon-edit-1:before { content: '\e812'; } /* '' */
+.icon-resize-full:before { content: '\e813'; } /* '' */
+.icon-up-bold:before { content: '\e814'; } /* '' */
+.icon-down-fat:before { content: '\e815'; } /* '' */
+.icon-cancel-circled2-1:before { content: '\e816'; } /* '' */
+.icon-upload-1:before { content: '\e817'; } /* '' */
+.icon-exclamation:before { content: '\e818'; } /* '' */
+.icon-down-open-1:before { content: '\e819'; } /* '' */
+.icon-up-open-1:before { content: '\e81a'; } /* '' */
+.icon-left-open-1:before { content: '\e81b'; } /* '' */
+.icon-right-open-1:before { content: '\e81c'; } /* '' */
+.icon-arrows-cw:before { content: '\e81d'; } /* '' */
+.icon-down-dir:before { content: '\e81e'; } /* '' */
+.icon-up-dir:before { content: '\e81f'; } /* '' */
+.icon-cog:before { content: '\e820'; } /* '' */
+.icon-cog-alt:before { content: '\e821'; } /* '' */
+.icon-down-dir-1:before { content: '\e822'; } /* '' */
+.icon-up-dir-1:before { content: '\e823'; } /* '' */
+.icon-down-open-2:before { content: '\e824'; } /* '' */
+.icon-right-open-2:before { content: '\e825'; } /* '' */
+.icon-left-open-2:before { content: '\e826'; } /* '' */
+.icon-up-open-2:before { content: '\e827'; } /* '' */
+.icon-plus:before { content: '\e828'; } /* '' */
+.icon-compass:before { content: '\e829'; } /* '' */
+.icon-resize-full-alt-1:before { content: '\e82a'; } /* '' */
+.icon-tag-1:before { content: '\e82b'; } /* '' */
+.icon-edit-2:before { content: '\e82c'; } /* '' */
+.icon-compass-1:before { content: '\e82d'; } /* '' */
+.icon-cogs:before { content: '\e82e'; } /* '' */
+.icon-up:before { content: '\e82f'; } /* '' */
+.icon-thumbs-up:before { content: '\e830'; } /* '' */
+.icon-lock:before { content: '\e831'; } /* '' */
+.icon-lock-open:before { content: '\e832'; } /* '' */
+.icon-thumbs-down:before { content: '\e833'; } /* '' */
+.icon-bell:before { content: '\e834'; } /* '' */
+.icon-resize-small:before { content: '\e835'; } /* '' */
+.icon-resize-full-1:before { content: '\e836'; } /* '' */
+.icon-right-hand:before { content: '\e837'; } /* '' */
+.icon-left-hand:before { content: '\e838'; } /* '' */
+.icon-up-hand:before { content: '\e839'; } /* '' */
+.icon-down-hand:before { content: '\e83a'; } /* '' */
+.icon-eye-off:before { content: '\e83b'; } /* '' */
+.icon-arrows-cw-1:before { content: '\e83c'; } /* '' */
+.icon-down-open:before { content: '\f004'; } /* '' */
+.icon-up-open:before { content: '\f005'; } /* '' */
+.icon-right-open:before { content: '\f006'; } /* '' */
+.icon-left-open:before { content: '\f007'; } /* '' */
+.icon-move:before { content: '\f047'; } /* '' */
+.icon-info-circled-alt:before { content: '\f086'; } /* '' */
+.icon-link-ext:before { content: '\f08e'; } /* '' */
+.icon-comment-empty:before { content: '\f0e5'; } /* '' */
+.icon-doc-text:before { content: '\f0f6'; } /* '' */
+.icon-plus-squared:before { content: '\f0fe'; } /* '' */
+.icon-angle-circled-left:before { content: '\f137'; } /* '' */
+.icon-angle-circled-right:before { content: '\f138'; } /* '' */
+.icon-angle-circled-up:before { content: '\f139'; } /* '' */
+.icon-angle-circled-down:before { content: '\f13a'; } /* '' */
+.icon-lock-open-alt:before { content: '\f13e'; } /* '' */
+.icon-ellipsis-vert:before { content: '\f142'; } /* '' */
+.icon-sort-alt-up:before { content: '\f160'; } /* '' */
+.icon-sort-alt-down:before { content: '\f161'; } /* '' */
+.icon-bitbucket:before { content: '\f171'; } /* '' */
+.icon-linux:before { content: '\f17c'; } /* '' */
+.icon-dot-circled:before { content: '\f192'; } /* '' */
+.icon-plus-squared-alt:before { content: '\f196'; } /* '' */
+.icon-fax:before { content: '\f1ac'; } /* '' */
+.icon-sliders:before { content: '\f1de'; } /* '' */
+.icon-share:before { content: '\f1e0'; } /* '' */
+.icon-calc:before { content: '\f1ec'; } /* '' */
+.icon-bell-off-empty:before { content: '\f1f7'; } /* '' */
+.icon-toggle-off:before { content: '\f204'; } /* '' */
+.icon-toggle-on:before { content: '\f205'; } /* '' */
+.icon-safari:before { content: '\f267'; } /* '' */
+.icon-chrome:before { content: '\f268'; } /* '' */
+.icon-firefox:before { content: '\f269'; } /* '' */
+.icon-calendar-1:before { content: '\f4c5'; } /* '' */
+.icon-search-1:before { content: '\f50d'; } /* '' */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html/image/fontello/demo.html b/html/image/fontello/demo.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9eb49bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/html/image/fontello/demo.html
@@ -0,0 +1,446 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
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+@font-face {
+ font-family: 'fontello';
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+ <body>
+ <div class="container header">
+ <h1>fontello <small>font demo</small></h1>
+ <label class="switch">
+ <input type="checkbox" onclick="toggleCodes(this.checked)">show codes
+ </label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="container" id="icons">
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe800"><i class="demo-icon
icon-logout"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-logout</span><span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe801"><i class="demo-icon
icon-cancel-circled"></i> <span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe802"><i class="demo-icon
icon-cancel-circled2"></i> <span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe803"><i class="demo-icon
icon-eye"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-eye</span><span
+ </div>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe804"><i class="demo-icon
icon-upload"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-upload</span><span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe805"><i class="demo-icon
icon-download"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-download</span><span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe806"><i class="demo-icon
icon-attention"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-attention</span><span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe807"><i class="demo-icon
icon-search"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-search</span><span
+ </div>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe808"><i class="demo-icon
icon-mail"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-mail</span><span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe809"><i class="demo-icon
icon-anchor"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-anchor</span><span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe80a"><i class="demo-icon
icon-resize-full-alt"></i> <span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe80b"><i class="demo-icon
icon-tag"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-tag</span><span
+ </div>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe80c"><i class="demo-icon
icon-cw"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-cw</span><span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe80d"><i class="demo-icon
icon-edit"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-edit</span><span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe80e"><i class="demo-icon
icon-attention-circled"></i> <span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe80f"><i class="demo-icon
icon-trash-empty"></i> <span
class="i-name">icon-trash-empty</span><span class="i-code">0xe80f</span></div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe810"><i class="demo-icon
icon-doc"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-doc</span><span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe811"><i class="demo-icon
icon-calendar"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-calendar</span><span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe812"><i class="demo-icon
icon-edit-1"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-edit-1</span><span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe813"><i class="demo-icon
icon-resize-full"></i> <span
class="i-name">icon-resize-full</span><span class="i-code">0xe813</span></div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe814"><i class="demo-icon
icon-up-bold"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-up-bold</span><span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe815"><i class="demo-icon
icon-down-fat"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-down-fat</span><span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe816"><i class="demo-icon
icon-cancel-circled2-1"></i> <span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe817"><i class="demo-icon
icon-upload-1"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-upload-1</span><span
+ </div>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe818"><i class="demo-icon
icon-exclamation"></i> <span
class="i-name">icon-exclamation</span><span class="i-code">0xe818</span></div>
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe819"><i class="demo-icon
icon-down-open-1"></i> <span
class="i-name">icon-down-open-1</span><span class="i-code">0xe819</span></div>
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe81a"><i class="demo-icon
icon-up-open-1"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-up-open-1</span><span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe81b"><i class="demo-icon
icon-left-open-1"></i> <span
class="i-name">icon-left-open-1</span><span class="i-code">0xe81b</span></div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe81c"><i class="demo-icon
icon-right-open-1"></i> <span
class="i-name">icon-right-open-1</span><span class="i-code">0xe81c</span></div>
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe81d"><i class="demo-icon
icon-arrows-cw"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-arrows-cw</span><span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe81e"><i class="demo-icon
icon-down-dir"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-down-dir</span><span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe81f"><i class="demo-icon
icon-up-dir"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-up-dir</span><span
+ </div>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe820"><i class="demo-icon
icon-cog"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-cog</span><span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe821"><i class="demo-icon
icon-cog-alt"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-cog-alt</span><span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe822"><i class="demo-icon
icon-down-dir-1"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-down-dir-1</span><span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe823"><i class="demo-icon
icon-up-dir-1"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-up-dir-1</span><span
+ </div>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe824"><i class="demo-icon
icon-down-open-2"></i> <span
class="i-name">icon-down-open-2</span><span class="i-code">0xe824</span></div>
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe825"><i class="demo-icon
icon-right-open-2"></i> <span
class="i-name">icon-right-open-2</span><span class="i-code">0xe825</span></div>
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe826"><i class="demo-icon
icon-left-open-2"></i> <span
class="i-name">icon-left-open-2</span><span class="i-code">0xe826</span></div>
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe827"><i class="demo-icon
icon-up-open-2"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-up-open-2</span><span
+ </div>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe828"><i class="demo-icon
icon-plus"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-plus</span><span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe829"><i class="demo-icon
icon-compass"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-compass</span><span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe82a"><i class="demo-icon
icon-resize-full-alt-1"></i> <span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe82b"><i class="demo-icon
icon-tag-1"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-tag-1</span><span
+ </div>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe82c"><i class="demo-icon
icon-edit-2"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-edit-2</span><span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe82d"><i class="demo-icon
icon-compass-1"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-compass-1</span><span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe82e"><i class="demo-icon
icon-cogs"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-cogs</span><span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe82f"><i class="demo-icon
icon-up"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-up</span><span
+ </div>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe830"><i class="demo-icon
icon-thumbs-up"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-thumbs-up</span><span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe831"><i class="demo-icon
icon-lock"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-lock</span><span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe832"><i class="demo-icon
icon-lock-open"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-lock-open</span><span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe833"><i class="demo-icon
icon-thumbs-down"></i> <span
class="i-name">icon-thumbs-down</span><span class="i-code">0xe833</span></div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe834"><i class="demo-icon
icon-bell"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-bell</span><span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe835"><i class="demo-icon
icon-resize-small"></i> <span
class="i-name">icon-resize-small</span><span class="i-code">0xe835</span></div>
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe836"><i class="demo-icon
icon-resize-full-1"></i> <span
class="i-name">icon-resize-full-1</span><span class="i-code">0xe836</span></div>
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe837"><i class="demo-icon
icon-right-hand"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-right-hand</span><span
+ </div>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe838"><i class="demo-icon
icon-left-hand"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-left-hand</span><span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe839"><i class="demo-icon
icon-up-hand"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-up-hand</span><span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe83a"><i class="demo-icon
icon-down-hand"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-down-hand</span><span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe83b"><i class="demo-icon
icon-eye-off"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-eye-off</span><span
+ </div>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xe83c"><i class="demo-icon
icon-arrows-cw-1"></i> <span
class="i-name">icon-arrows-cw-1</span><span class="i-code">0xe83c</span></div>
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xf004"><i class="demo-icon
icon-down-open"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-down-open</span><span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xf005"><i class="demo-icon
icon-up-open"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-up-open</span><span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xf006"><i class="demo-icon
icon-right-open"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-right-open</span><span
+ </div>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xf007"><i class="demo-icon
icon-left-open"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-left-open</span><span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xf047"><i class="demo-icon
icon-move"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-move</span><span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xf086"><i class="demo-icon
icon-info-circled-alt"></i> <span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xf08e"><i class="demo-icon
icon-link-ext"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-link-ext</span><span
+ </div>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xf0e5"><i class="demo-icon
icon-comment-empty"></i> <span
class="i-name">icon-comment-empty</span><span class="i-code">0xf0e5</span></div>
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xf0f6"><i class="demo-icon
icon-doc-text"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-doc-text</span><span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xf0fe"><i class="demo-icon
icon-plus-squared"></i> <span
class="i-name">icon-plus-squared</span><span class="i-code">0xf0fe</span></div>
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xf137"><i class="demo-icon
icon-angle-circled-left"></i> <span
+ </div>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xf138"><i class="demo-icon
icon-angle-circled-right"></i> <span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xf139"><i class="demo-icon
icon-angle-circled-up"></i> <span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xf13a"><i class="demo-icon
icon-angle-circled-down"></i> <span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xf13e"><i class="demo-icon
icon-lock-open-alt"></i> <span
class="i-name">icon-lock-open-alt</span><span class="i-code">0xf13e</span></div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xf142"><i class="demo-icon
icon-ellipsis-vert"></i> <span
class="i-name">icon-ellipsis-vert</span><span class="i-code">0xf142</span></div>
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xf160"><i class="demo-icon
icon-sort-alt-up"></i> <span
class="i-name">icon-sort-alt-up</span><span class="i-code">0xf160</span></div>
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xf161"><i class="demo-icon
icon-sort-alt-down"></i> <span
class="i-name">icon-sort-alt-down</span><span class="i-code">0xf161</span></div>
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xf171"><i class="demo-icon
icon-bitbucket"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-bitbucket</span><span
+ </div>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xf17c"><i class="demo-icon
icon-linux"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-linux</span><span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xf192"><i class="demo-icon
icon-dot-circled"></i> <span
class="i-name">icon-dot-circled</span><span class="i-code">0xf192</span></div>
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xf196"><i class="demo-icon
icon-plus-squared-alt"></i> <span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xf1ac"><i class="demo-icon
icon-fax"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-fax</span><span
+ </div>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xf1de"><i class="demo-icon
icon-sliders"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-sliders</span><span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xf1e0"><i class="demo-icon
icon-share"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-share</span><span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xf1ec"><i class="demo-icon
icon-calc"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-calc</span><span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xf1f7"><i class="demo-icon
icon-bell-off-empty"></i> <span
+ </div>
+ <div class="row">
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xf204"><i class="demo-icon
icon-toggle-off"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-toggle-off</span><span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xf205"><i class="demo-icon
icon-toggle-on"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-toggle-on</span><span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xf267"><i class="demo-icon
icon-safari"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-safari</span><span
+ <div class="the-icons span3" title="Code: 0xf268"><i class="demo-icon
icon-chrome"></i> <span class="i-name">icon-chrome</span><span
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- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 78/107: Purpose is to contain all the prepared query called from different locations, (continued)
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 78/107: Purpose is to contain all the prepared query called from different locations, Dany De Bontridder, 2019/08/26
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 83/107: Task#1734 New : Add PRINTTVA to have a summary of VAT by ledger, Dany De Bontridder, 2019/08/26
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 93/107: Documentation, Dany De Bontridder, 2019/08/26
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 92/107: Code : remove direct use of $_GET, Dany De Bontridder, 2019/08/26
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 39/107: Code cleaning : split database into database (for noalyss) and databasecore , with the functions, Dany De Bontridder, 2019/08/26
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 98/107: New :: function Icon_Action::tips for short comment New : Icon_Action::unlock, Dany De Bontridder, 2019/08/26
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 84/107: Task #1734 Upgrade patch for PRINTTVA, Dany De Bontridder, 2019/08/26
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 46/107: Code Cleaning split PDF into PDF_Core and PDF, Dany De Bontridder, 2019/08/26
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 105/107: fixup! New Task 1728: Aide à l'encodage - Journaux négatifs (note de crédit), Dany De Bontridder, 2019/08/26
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 106/107: cosmetic, Dany De Bontridder, 2019/08/26
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 64/107: Add demo for fontello,
Dany De Bontridder <=
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 75/107: Task #0001731: Moyen de paiement, Dany De Bontridder, 2019/08/26
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 81/107: Task #0001733: Impression moyen paiement, Dany De Bontridder, 2019/08/26
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 56/107: New function PDF_Core:is_fill add documentation, Dany De Bontridder, 2019/08/26
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 38/107: load_all must always return an array, Dany De Bontridder, 2019/08/26
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 67/107: SQL : add constraint for payment_method, Dany De Bontridder, 2019/08/26
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 44/107: fixup! fixup! Code cleaning : split database into database (for noalyss) and databasecore , with the functions, Dany De Bontridder, 2019/08/26
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 36/107: Bug : card cannot use a attribute of the type "card", reason : the query was wrong and there were a confusion between this->name and this->id in "get_js_attr()", Dany De Bontridder, 2019/08/26
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 47/107: Improve doxygen, Dany De Bontridder, 2019/08/26
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 51/107: Code Cleaning split sendmail between sendmail_core (not related to noalyss) and sendmail which is used by noalyss, Dany De Bontridder, 2019/08/26
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 54/107: Merge branch 'dev7109', Dany De Bontridder, 2019/08/26