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[Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 30/34: Get empty upgrade.sql
From: |
dwm |
Subject: |
[Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 30/34: Get empty upgrade.sql |
Date: |
Wed, 17 Jan 2024 12:54:08 -0500 (EST) |
sparkyx pushed a commit to branch devel
in repository noalyss.
commit a50a3a2f85729524d21761ce46b23686ec19c362
Author: sparkyx <danydb@noalyss.eu>
AuthorDate: Sat Jan 13 18:47:42 2024 +0100
Get empty upgrade.sql
sql/upgrade.sql | 96 ---------------------------------------------------------
1 file changed, 96 deletions(-)
diff --git a/sql/upgrade.sql b/sql/upgrade.sql
index 03abdc0a2..e69de29bb 100644
--- a/sql/upgrade.sql
+++ b/sql/upgrade.sql
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
--- protect against wrong card in fiche_detail
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION comptaproc.fiche_detail_check_qcode()
- RETURNS trigger
- LANGUAGE plpgsql
-AS $function$
- i record;
- if NEW.ad_id=23 and NEW.ad_value != OLD.ad_value then
- update jrnx set j_qcode=NEW.ad_value where j_qcode =
- update op_predef_detail set opd_poste=NEW.ad_value where
- for i in select ad_id from attr_def where ad_type = 'card' or
ad_id=25 loop
- update fiche_detail set ad_value=NEW.ad_value where
ad_value=OLD.ad_value and ad_id=i.ad_id;
- if i.ad_id=19 then
- update stock_goods set sg_code=NEW.ad_value
where sg_code=OLD.ad_value;
- end if;
- end loop;
- end if;
-return NEW;
-drop trigger if exists fiche_detail_check_qcode_trg on public.fiche_detail ;
-drop function comptaproc.fiche_detail_qcode_upd();
-create trigger fiche_detail_check_qcode_trg before insert
-or update on
-public.fiche_detail for each row execute function
-update fiche_detail set ad_value=ad_value where ad_id in (select ad_id from
attr_def where ad_type='card');
-insert into parameter values ('MY_REPORT','N') ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
-update menu_ref set me_file='payment_method.inc.php' where me_code='CFGPAY';
-update menu_ref set me_menu='Principal' where me_code='COMPANY';
-update menu_ref set me_menu='Financier' where me_code='MENUFIN';
-CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION comptaproc.set_tech_user()
- RETURNS trigger
-AS $function$
- /* variable */
- noalyss_user text;
- new.tech_user := current_setting('noalyss.user_login');
- new.tech_date := now();
- return NEW;
-exception when others then
- new.tech_date := now();
- new.tech_user := current_user;
- return NEW;
-end ;
-LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-drop table if exists operation_exercice_detail;
-drop table if exists operation_exercice;
-create table operation_exercice
- oe_id bigint generated by default as identity primary key,
- oe_date date null,
- oe_type text not null check (oe_type = 'opening' or oe_type = 'closing'),
- oe_text text ,
- oe_dossier_id int not null,
- oe_exercice int not null,
- jr_internal text,
- oe_transfer_date timestamp,
- tech_user text,
- tech_date timestamp default now()
-create table operation_exercice_detail
- oed_id bigint generated by default as identity primary key,
- oe_id bigint references operation_exercice (oe_id) on update cascade on
delete cascade not null,
- oed_poste account_type ,
- oed_qcode text ,
- oed_label text,
- oed_amount numeric (20,4),
- oed_debit bool
-create trigger trg_set_tech_user before insert or update on
operation_exercice for each row execute function comptaproc.set_tech_user();
-update menu_ref set me_code='OPCL' ,
de cloture ou d''ouverture d''exercice'
- ,me_description_etendue ='Ecriture d''ouverture ou de
fermeture , , reporte les soldes des comptes de l''année passé du poste
comptable 0xxx à 5xxxx sur l''année courante ou ferme les comptes de 6 à 7 de
l''année '
-where me_code='OPEN';
\ No newline at end of file
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 21/34: Task #0002327: Balance : indiqué si le solde est correct débit / crédit, (continued)
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 21/34: Task #0002327: Balance : indiqué si le solde est correct débit / crédit, dwm, 2024/01/17
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 11/34: Task 0002128: Clôture comptabilité française, dwm, 2024/01/17
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 13/34: Acc OD : cosmetic, dwm, 2024/01/17
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 17/34: Get empty upgrade.sql, dwm, 2024/01/17
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 01/34: FIX : when taken from git NOALYSS_VERSION is undefined, dwm, 2024/01/17
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 18/34: Bug #0002322: Impression Suivi, dwm, 2024/01/17
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 08/34: OPTION_CARD : Correct options for FollowUp, dwm, 2024/01/17
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 16/34: Task 2128 : Ouverture et cloture toujours visible, dwm, 2024/01/17
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 20/34: Merge branch 'devel-andromeda' into devel, dwm, 2024/01/17
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 28/34: Task 0002128: Clôture comptabilité française Réécriture op. ouverture et cloture, dwm, 2024/01/17
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 30/34: Get empty upgrade.sql,
dwm <=
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 31/34: PRINT properly action, dwm, 2024/01/17
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 33/34: Task #2323 : follow-up correct depending action + cosmetic, dwm, 2024/01/17
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 09/34: Bug Fiche Option, dwm, 2024/01/17
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 12/34: Task 0002128: Clôture comptabilité française, dwm, 2024/01/17
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 15/34: Adaptation PHPUNIT, dwm, 2024/01/17
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 03/34: Improve DBG , add stopwatch : timer_start and timer_show, dwm, 2024/01/17
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 10/34: PHP8.1 compatibility, dwm, 2024/01/17
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 14/34: Task 0002128: Clôture comptabilité française Réécriture op. ouverture et cloture, dwm, 2024/01/17
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 22/34: OPTION_CARD : Correct options for FollowUp, dwm, 2024/01/17
- [Noalyss-commit] [noalyss] 24/34: PHP8.1 compatibility, dwm, 2024/01/17