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Re: [Nufw-users] nufw in production environments

From: Matthew Branton
Subject: Re: [Nufw-users] nufw in production environments
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2005 21:37:23 -0400

On Apr 27, 2005, at 4:00 PM, Vincent Deffontaines wrote:

Matthew Branton said:
hi everyone,

I am interested in know if anyone has had any success deploying nufw in
100-500 user environments.  Specifically whether or not the clients
work well in a windows terminal services / ltsp environment.  Any
insight would be appreciated. :)

Ok, here we go now.
We have finished an installation on a 250 users network last week.
It runs like a charm.
Clients are 99% windows 2K/XP, which are running a service for
authentication. The service grabs the login and password directly from the user starting their session, so this behaviour is 100% transparent to the

Also, the login/password is integrated to the Windows NT domain.

The performances of the engine are, as we thought, very fine. Nuauth runs with quite little ressources, and there is no perception from users about
the extra filtering tasks.

As a résumé, very positive experience.

Feel free to ask for more specific details if needed.


	This is very interesting, what about in terminal services 
environments? When you say you integrated with an nt4 style domain, are 
you talking about a samba3/tng controller, or the real deal? How was 
the integration performed?  SInce this is the only reference I have 
ever seen to a large scale integration just any kind of details on the 
specifics of clients and topology would be great.

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