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Re: [Octal-dev] docs?

From: Luka Frelih
Subject: Re: [Octal-dev] docs?
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 15:32:46 +0200

> Polyphony. Remember how in Buzz, one could add tracks and voices to most
> synth machines? This is crucial for any tracker.

just to clarify - as i understand this, the machine is responsible for making
this polyphony work - if you set max_tracks above 1, you should also make sure
that all the tracks are synthesized and mixed together in your output buffer.

hope this is so...

one other thing: the core synthesis engine seems to be the most potrable part
of octal - ports to other systems will mostly have to deal with the GUI and
the sound output. 

so i'd like to hear your ideas when it comes to making sure these layers stay
independent (as much as possible) in the code, so it wouldn't take a complete
rewrite to transplant the octal on systems with different GUI and media 
abstractions than linux. 


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