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Re: [Octal-dev] Control machines, again :-)

From: Arthur Peters
Subject: Re: [Octal-dev] Control machines, again :-)
Date: Thu Sep 7 14:02:09 2000

From: Luka Frelih <address@hidden>
Subject: Re: [Octal-dev] Control machines, again  :-)
Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2000 17:43:35 +0200

> >     ¿Is it possible to build control machines with current octal api?
> >This is, to make, for example, an envelope generator that controls the
> >filter cutoff or the VCA gain.
> it is not possible with the current API to make a plugin which does this
> plugins right now are just audio input/output boxes with control input
> (patterns) 
> and no control output
> but you can make this envelope generator as an enhancement of
> the sequencer or something, i guess

I think I remeber that there were going to be AUX ins that could be
used for things like this. They were not implemented yet, but it was
going to allow envelopes and such to be very flexible.

I just realized that this wasn't quite what you where talking about,
but you should be able to write a filter plugin that gets it's cutoff
from it's AUX in. It would be kindy dirty though. Just a thought.

BTW, dto, is the sequencer going to be able to control two machines
with the same pattern (ie. an envelope generater and a sine
generater)? I think it would be handy.


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