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[Octave-bug-tracker] [bug #46675] failing test __osmesa_print__.cc-tst

From: Philip Nienhuis
Subject: [Octave-bug-tracker] [bug #46675] failing test __osmesa_print__.cc-tst
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2015 18:09:52 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686 on x86_64; rv:41.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/41.0 SeaMonkey/2.38

Follow-up Comment #12, bug #46675 (project octave):

FTR, here's the result of __osmesa_print__.cc test on Magei-5 64b Linux:

>>>>> processing
***** testif HAVE_OSMESA, HAVE_GL2PS_H
 if (isunix ())
   h = figure ("visible", "off");
   fn = tempname ();
   sombrero ();
   __osmesa_print__ (h, fn, "svg");
   assert (stat (fn).size, 2692270, -0.1);
   unlink (fn);
   img = __osmesa_print__ (h);
   assert (size (img), [get(h, "position")([4, 3]), 3])
   ## Use pixel sum per RGB channel as fingerprint
   img_fp = squeeze (sum (sum (img), 2));
   assert (img_fp, [52942515; 54167797; 56158178], -0.05);
!!!!! test failed
ASSERT errors for:  assert (stat (fn).size,2692270,-0.1)

  Location  |  Observed  |  Expected  |  Reason
     ()          2921       2692270      Rel err 0.99892 exceeds tol 0.1
***** testif HAVE_OSMESA, HAVE_GL2PS_H
 if (isunix ())
   h = figure ("visible", "off");
   fn = tempname ();
   plot (sin (0:0.1:2*pi));
   __osmesa_print__ (h, fn, "svgis2d");
   assert (stat (fn).size, 7438, -0.1);
   unlink (fn);
   img = __osmesa_print__ (h);
   assert (size (img), [get(h, "position")([4, 3]), 3])
   ## Use pixel sum per RGB channel as fingerprint
   img_fp = squeeze (sum (sum (img), 2));
   assert (img_fp, [59281711; 59281711; 59482179], -0.05);
!!!!! test failed
ASSERT errors for:  assert (stat (fn).size,7438,-0.1)

  Location  |  Observed  |  Expected  |  Reason
     ()          2243         7438       Rel err 0.69844 exceeds tol 0.1


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