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[Octave-bug-tracker] [bug #47800] gammainc(x, a, "upper") rounds down to

From: Nir Krakauer
Subject: [Octave-bug-tracker] [bug #47800] gammainc(x, a, "upper") rounds down to zero if output is below eps
Date: Fri, 06 May 2016 16:57:58 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_3) AppleWebKit/601.4.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/9.0.3 Safari/601.4.4

Follow-up Comment #13, bug #47800 (project octave):

Yes, the scale factor seems to have more error than the series sum. We could
adopt Temme's idea, but then we will need to accurately compute his "tempered
gamma". Failing that, I was able to improve the error slightly:

#with previously sent program:
x = 200; a = 200;
scale = exp(x - a*log(x) + gammaln(a+1)); #fractional error of 9E-15 compared
to Wolfram Alpha's result of Gamma(201)*e^200*200^-200 =
y = newgammainc(200,200,'scaledupper'); #essentially the series sum --
fractional error of 2E-15 from Gamma(201)*e^200*200^-200*GammaRegularized[200,
200] = 17.39844385537915051351229001995819645096209733412625912131
y2 = newgammainc(200,200,'scaledlower'); #fractional error of 2E-14 from
Gamma(201)*e^200*200^-200*(1 - GammaRegularized[200, 200]) =
y3 = newgammainc(200,200,'upper'); #fractional error of 5E-14 from
GammaRegularized[200, 200] =
y4 = newgammainc(200,200,'lower'); #fractional error of 5E-14 from 1 -
GammaRegularized[200, 200] =
scale2 = exp(x - a*log(x) + gammaln(a)); #fractional error of 5E-14 compared
to Wolfram Alpha's result of Gamma(200)*e^200*200^-200 =

#with new attached version, where scale instead of scale2 is used to compute
the unscaled variants:
y3 = newgammainc(200,200,'upper'); #fractional error of 1E-14
y4 = newgammainc(200,200,'lower'); #fractional error of 1E-14

(file #37091)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: newgammainc.m                  Size:5 KB


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