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[Octave-bug-tracker] [bug #64473] Allow saveas() to directly write to st

From: Rik
Subject: [Octave-bug-tracker] [bug #64473] Allow saveas() to directly write to stdout
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2023 20:50:29 -0400 (EDT)

Update of bug #64473 (project octave):

                Category:                Plotting => Octave Function        
                Severity:              3 - Normal => 1 - Wish               
                Priority:              5 - Normal => 1 - Later              
              Item Group: Unexpected Error or Warning => Feature Request      
                  Status:                    None => Confirmed              
                 Summary: octave does not allow saving figures to stdout =>
Allow saveas() to directly write to stdout


Follow-up Comment #1:

The function saveas() is intended for files.  I don't believe Matlab allows
"saving" files to stdout so there isn't any incentive to implement this
feature from a compatibility perspective.  And in your Stack Overflow question
you already demonstrate a workaround.  Hence, I don't think there will be much
interest in implementing this feature.  For me, I would just use intermediate
files.  Alternatively, you could patch your own local copy of Octave to accept
the special filename '-'.  It's easy enough since it is just an m-file.


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