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Re: [Openexr-user] compositing with EXR

From: ant l
Subject: Re: [Openexr-user] compositing with EXR
Date: Fri, 28 Oct 2005 10:26:22 +0100

On 10/27/05, Deke Kincaid <address@hidden> wrote:
On 10/27/05, ant l <address@hidden> wrote:
> Hello,
>  how do people generally work with EXR images in composting?  More
> specifically, I'd like to comp CG elements rendered as .exr over a cineon
> plate.
>  thanks,
>  ant

Change your cineon to linear colorspace and then comp them together in
a compositor.  EXR is just an image format.  It's not magical or
anything.  Maybe you could be more elaborate about what you don't
understand about exr?

Deke Kincaid
Momentum Lab
The Post Group

Thanks for the reply..I'll try to explain better.
I understand that exr is just another file format and that it  can be treated as such. However what seems unclear to me is how this is used in a production pipeline.
Typically, cineon are converted to linear format and stored in 16bit  images. OpenEXR images are read as 32bit floats (by Shake at least) and are quite slow to work with. Is this a price that
we have to pay? I tried to convert them to 16bit (to match the cineon plate) however, they get clipped to 1 which makes it a useless operation.

I guess my question is if people generally use them as 32bit floats or convert them to something smaller? And if so, how?


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