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Re: [Openexr-user] Does OpenEXR Handle Large Images

From: Michael Wolf
Subject: Re: [Openexr-user] Does OpenEXR Handle Large Images
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2011 17:28:21 +0100
User-agent: Opera Mail/11.01 (Win32)

On Tue, 15 Feb 2011 20:38:10 +0100, Ben Thompson <address@hidden> wrote:

Hello Everyone,

Hello Ben,

I'm trying to create large HDR image files. I have been using
applications that write both .hdr and .exr; I have been using the former
for no special reason.

However, it seems that the applications generate invalid .hdr files when
the image is more than 32767 pixels wide. I believe this is because they
write RLE-compressed .hdr and RLE is not supported for images this wide.

I'd like to know if .exr files have any limits on image size both in the
case of no compression and compression with each/any of the available
compression methods. I know of RLE, Zip (with and without
multi-scanline, PIZ and PXR24.

The largest file I've created is a tiled EXR at 86,400 x 43,200 pixels, half, 
ZIP compressed, 3.9GB.

So far the only major limitation I've encountered is the C++ i/o library on 
windows capping at 2GB, which is why I have a patch for windows that uses OS 
specific i/o routines.
(it works as expected out of the box on OSX, the only other platform we support 
so far).

Basically, pointers into the file are 64-bit and dimensions 32-bit integer. I 
suspect those to be the only limits.

I can send you the patch if you need it.


db&w Bornemann und Wolf GbR
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