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Re: Query on using FSM as library

From: David Sugar
Subject: Re: Query on using FSM as library
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2020 09:05:32 -0500
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Indeed, although it might be overkill depending on what you are trying to do, I would highly suggest looking at eXosip2, as it already does that, and so much more, too. I use eXosip2 in all of my C++ sip projects. Recently I have taken to writing a short C++ wrapper to automate things like eXosip context locks and to make it easier to send eXosip event messages over threads in my code, modeled somewhat loosely on the ZeroMQ C++ wrappers.

On 12/29/20 9:37 PM, kaiduan xie wrote:
You can check the eXoSIP2

libeXosip2: Main Page

Best regards,


On Tuesday, December 29, 2020, 04:30:00 p.m. EST, Kumar, Puneet (Puneet) <puneetkumar@avaya.com> wrote:



Our C++ application code link itself to osip library using “-losip2” & “-losipparser2”


I have been using osipparser2 for parsing & building the SIP messages.

Now I want to integrate OSIP State machine to implement Transaction Management.

Do you have any reference/example of how I can use the osip2 library FSM?




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