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[Pan-devel] Re: Ping khaley, commit 9924d08ef, missed subject_to_path up

From: walt
Subject: [Pan-devel] Re: Ping khaley, commit 9924d08ef, missed subject_to_path updates in after updating the header in text_massager.h
Date: Tue, 08 Feb 2011 17:24:37 -0800
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:2.0b10pre) Gecko/20110121 Thunderbird/3.3a2

On 02/08/2011 09:02 AM, Duncan wrote:

Specifically, this change to text-massager.h, with no accompanying change
to the subject_to_path calls in, only in

Uh-oh, Duncan, you've let the cat out of the bag now.  No more protesting that
you're not a coder.  You've just proved to us that you *do* understand the code,
so we will expect more patches and bug fixes from you in the future.

Just one little slip is all it takes...

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