Ron Johnson posted on Sun, 09 Oct 2011 22:15:24 -0500 as excerpted:
On 10/09/2011 09:58 PM, Lacrocivious Acrophosist wrote:
Ron Johnson<address@hidden> writes:
[64-bit pan]
One of the first things that I did was try out Pan on a binary group.
Many hours later, it had fetched 6 weeks of headers and consumed 6.8GB
of RAM. The 2+ years of data in Giganews would require 123GB of RAM.
[I]s this 64-bit performance different from 32-bit performance
It's a fact that 32-bit Pan runs out of *process* address space at
around 2GB. 64-bit Pan doesn't technically have that problem, but
effectively it does, although it does for all practical intents.
Well, the 32-bit part isn't quite accurate, or at least it's accurate for
only a subset of 32-bit.