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Re: [Pan-users] I'm back! Was: can you run Pan 2 on anything but GNOME/L

From: Duncan
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] I'm back! Was: can you run Pan 2 on anything but GNOME/Linux? (and how to donate?)
Date: Sun, 8 Aug 2021 19:32:22 -0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Pan/0.147 (Sweet Solitude; a2d6aa6ff)

Lacrocivious Acrophosist via Pan-users posted on Fri, 06 Aug 2021 19:20:31
+0000 as excerpted:

> Yay! Congratulations! So glad you are: (1) back; and (2) not a member of
> that Great Newsgroup in the Sky!

Thanks everyone. =:^)  Still catching up on thousands of posts in the 
various lists I had followed on gmane previously (tens of thousands for 
the btrfs list/group, but I'll likely magic-mark-read all but the last 
couple thousand before starting to sort, but sorted/read from where I 
left off for the gentoo-dev list, near 9000 down to under 1300 now)...

> I managed to build Sweet Solitude (0049344;
> x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) on my Fedora 33 host, but it wasn't easy. While I
> don't remember all the specific dependency installs I stumbled through
> -- having scant clue about what I was doing as I am not a coder

I'm not a coder either, but over the last COVID-year-plus I took some 
time to switch my live-git kde installation to running on wayland (on 
gentoo so it's all from-source already), rather dramatically improving my 
hack-patching skills in the process.  I still can't do new code and am 
pretty much simply hack-patching one number to another and maybe copying 
some code patterns I see elsewhere near my focus, but my ability to 
actually *find* the code in question so I have a *chance* at a hack-patch 
is *dramatically* improved!

And I used those new skills a bit getting current-git pan-code running 
against current-release libs and build toolchain, too.  I've several 
patches to post once I get situated, tho I had help from a starter patch 
I found as a pull-request on gitlab.

Plus I just today traced down the source of the ridiculously wide pan-
prefs dialog bug that's bothered me for /years/ now, and hack-patched it 
too.  (Basically just commented out a line, good down to about 1200 px. 
On my side-by-side-dual-4K setup it was 7000+ px wide before.  But the 
proper fix to work on smaller screens needs a conditional I don't really 
know how to code, tho I probably could stare and trial-and-error it in a 
day.  But it shouldn't take a proper coder 10 minutes, maybe 20 including 

We'll see what transpires once I post those.  

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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