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Re: [Pan-users] [ANNOUNCE] Pan release 0.161

From: Duncan
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] [ANNOUNCE] Pan release 0.161
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2024 23:08:15 -0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Pan/0.160 (Toresk; fa1e697052a6485cde62654cfa15e55c318e51a9)

Brian Morrison via Pan-users posted on Mon, 21 Oct 2024 20:43:15 +0100 as

> Thanks for the update, it builds and installs on Fedora 41, but on
> running it I see no icons and attempting to open an article results in
> this in the console, it's probably to do with gdk-pixbuf which has had
> some changes aimed at various older formats and security:
> $ pan --debug
> reading groups from /home/bdm/.pan2/newsrc-2
> (/home/bdm/rpmbuild/BUILD/pan-v0.161-build/pan-v0.161/pan/gui/load-
> Unable to load icon icon_pan.png from pan/icons: Failed to open file
> “pan/icons/icon_pan.png”: No such file or directory
> (/home/bdm/rpmbuild/BUILD/pan-v0.161-build/pan-v0.161/pan/gui/load-
> Unable to load icon icon_pan.png from /usr/local/share/pan/icons: Failed
> to open file “/usr/local/share/pan/icons/icon_pan.png”: No such file or
> directory

There's a thread ("running pan gives many errors") from back in May, 
shortly after the the changes (before the 0.159 release including them I 
believe, so it was the live-git build affected at that point), where DD 

>> load_icon [1] is a function I wrote that look for a Pan icon either in
>> ./pan/icons or where icons are installed with "cmake install"
>> ("/usr/local/share/pan/icons/" if cmake prefix was not changed).
>> If pan is not installed, pan should be run from the root of pan
>> repository. E.g with:
>> $ ./debug-build/pan/gui/pan
>> When running pan with ./pan (i.e. in gui directory). I get the same
>> symptoms as you.

In that case it was an uninstalled run from the wrong dir, and running 
from the correct dir so pan could find its icons in the relative 
./pan/icons path was the confirmed fix.

Here (on gentoo, with a live-git ebuild adopted from the release ebuild in 
the guru overlay) the installation is to /usr/ so the icons are installed 
and found in /usr/share/pan/icons, but as DD mentions and as the debug 
above suggests, if you haven't set the cmake prefix it'll default to 
/usr/local/ so the icons should be under /usr/local/share/pan/icons/ .

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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