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[Papo-abusers] Error al dar de alta Clasificacion de Articulos

From: Jorge Dreher
Subject: [Papo-abusers] Error al dar de alta Clasificacion de Articulos
Date: Mon, 1 Sep 2003 17:39:11 -0300

Al querer dar de alta algunos registros me genera  
el siguiente error, el cual es mostrado en modo  
grafico en una ventana de advertencia que avisa que  
ocurrio algun problema al querer dar de alta el  
registro. Alguna idea al respecto, estamos  
corriendo la ultima version de luca.  
DB001: [GFForm:586] Saving editBlock  
DB001: [GFBlock:312] processing post changes on  
block editBlock  
DB000: You've got your bar in my foo!  
And you've got your foo on my bar!  Two great reams  
that ream well together!  
DB001: [DBdriver:623] **** Unable to execute  
extension query  
DB001: [DBdriver:624] **** ERROR:  Relation  
"_product_classification__id_seq" does not exist  
DB001: [DBdriver:624]  
DB001: [DBdriver:624] select  
DB001: [DBdriver:289] _doInsertStatementWHist:  
ERROR = ERROR:  current transaction is aborted,  
queries ignored until end of transaction block  
DB001: [DBdriver:289]  
DB001: [DBdriver:289] INSERT INTO  
(name,id,_table,_start_t) VALUES  
DB000: DBSIG_RecordSet._doInsertStatementWHist:  
ERROR = ERROR:  current transaction is aborted,  
queries ignored until end of transaction block  
DB000: INSERT INTO _product_classification_data  
(name,id,_table,_start_t) VALUES  
Jorge A. Dreher 
Soluciones Informaticas 

Jorge A. Dreher
Soluciones Informaticas

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