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[paragui-users] more CVS updates...

From: Teunis Peters
Subject: [paragui-users] more CVS updates...
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2002 03:28:21 -0800 (PST)

Still fixing bugs in the opengl code.
I'm not sure if I really fix anything in this rendition, except that for
the most part non-opengl now works and opengl sort of works.

If anyone can help me explain WHY it's rendering to one corner of the
screen rather than into the texture memory - I'd be very appreciative *g*.

I'm quite happy with the OpenGL otherwise though. I'm running on a
Matrox-G450 / Celeronappsfasdfasdfsadfasdfasdfadsf 733 system so:
  fbcon         25fps
  X             ~40-45fps.  There's probably a reason for this difference...
  OpenGL        150fps...

oh - in the devel-opengl branch if you run "dblbuffer -gl" it should
activate OpenGL.  There's a couple other demos that also recognise the
"-gl" flag and "gltest" runs with OpenGL by default.

Well, have a good day, eh? :)
        - Teunis

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