/* ParaGUI - crossplatform widgetset Copyright (C) 2000,2001,2002 Alexander Pipelka This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Alexander Pipelka address@hidden Last Update: $Author: braindead $ Update Date: $Date: 2003/04/06 12:13:07 $ Source File: $Source: /cvsroot/paragui/paragui/src/widgets/pgwidgetlist.cpp,v $ CVS/RCS Revision: $Revision: $ Status: $State: Exp $ */ #include "pgwidgetlist.h" #include "pgapplication.h" #include "pglog.h" struct PG_WidgetListDataInternal{ int my_scrolldeltax; int my_scrolldeltay; }; PG_WidgetList::PG_WidgetList(PG_Widget* parent, const PG_Rect& r, const char* style) : PG_ThemeWidget(parent, r, style) { my_widgetCount = 0; my_listheight = my_listwidth = 0; my_firstWidget = 0; my_enableVerticalScrollbar = true; my_enableHorizontalScrollbar = false; my_widthScrollbar = my_heightHorizontalScrollbar = 5; my_internaldata = new PG_WidgetListDataInternal; my_internaldata->my_scrolldeltax = 0; my_internaldata->my_scrolldeltay = 0; // It is important to make sure that the substractions below won't // render values < 0 and, eventually, // surface widths such as 32768 or 65535 when cast to an unsigned type. // This can lead to segfaults later on in, for example, DrawGradient... if (my_widthScrollbar > r.my_width) my_widthScrollbar = r.my_width; if (my_heightHorizontalScrollbar > r.my_height) my_heightHorizontalScrollbar = r.my_height; my_rectVerticalScrollbar.SetRect( r.my_width - my_widthScrollbar, 0, my_widthScrollbar, r.my_height); my_rectHorizontalScrollbar.SetRect( 0, r.my_height - my_heightHorizontalScrollbar, r.my_width - my_widthScrollbar, my_heightHorizontalScrollbar); my_objVerticalScrollbar = new PG_ScrollBar(this, PG_IDWIDGETLIST_SCROLL, my_rectVerticalScrollbar, PG_SB_VERTICAL, style); my_objVerticalScrollbar->SetRange(0,0); my_widthScrollbar = my_objVerticalScrollbar->Width(); my_objVerticalScrollbar->MoveWidget(r.my_width - my_widthScrollbar, 0); my_objVerticalScrollbar->SizeWidget(my_widthScrollbar, r.my_height); my_objVerticalScrollbar->SetHidden(true); my_objHorizontalScrollbar = new PG_ScrollBar(this, PG_IDWIDGETLIST_SCROLL, my_rectHorizontalScrollbar, PG_SB_HORIZONTAL, style); my_objHorizontalScrollbar->SetRange(0,0); my_heightHorizontalScrollbar = my_objHorizontalScrollbar->Height(); my_objHorizontalScrollbar->MoveWidget(0, r.my_height - my_heightHorizontalScrollbar); my_objHorizontalScrollbar->SizeWidget(r.my_width, my_heightHorizontalScrollbar); my_objHorizontalScrollbar->SetHidden(true); my_rectList.SetRect( my_bordersize, my_bordersize, r.my_width - my_widthScrollbar - my_bordersize*2, r.my_height - my_heightHorizontalScrollbar - my_bordersize*2); LoadThemeStyle(style); } PG_WidgetList::~PG_WidgetList() { DeleteAll(); delete my_internaldata; } void PG_WidgetList::LoadThemeStyle(const char* widgettype) { PG_ThemeWidget::LoadThemeStyle(widgettype); my_objVerticalScrollbar->LoadThemeStyle(widgettype); my_objHorizontalScrollbar->LoadThemeStyle(widgettype); my_widthScrollbar = my_objVerticalScrollbar->Width(); my_objVerticalScrollbar->MoveWidget(my_width - my_widthScrollbar, 0); my_heightHorizontalScrollbar = my_objHorizontalScrollbar->Height(); my_objHorizontalScrollbar->MoveWidget(0, my_height - my_heightHorizontalScrollbar); } void PG_WidgetList::eventBlit(SDL_Surface* srf, const PG_Rect& src, const PG_Rect& dst) { PG_Rect r = my_rectList; r.my_xpos -= my_bordersize; r.my_ypos -= my_bordersize; r.my_width += my_bordersize*2; r.my_height += my_bordersize*2; r.my_xpos += my_xpos; r.my_ypos += my_ypos; PG_ThemeWidget::eventBlit(srf, src, dst); // TO-DO : This doesn`t work in 3th or more level widgets ... // DrawBorder(r, my_bordersize); } void PG_WidgetList::eventSizeWidget(Uint16 w, Uint16 h) { PG_ThemeWidget::eventSizeWidget(w,h); my_rectList.SetRect( my_bordersize, my_bordersize, w - my_widthScrollbar - my_bordersize*2, h - my_heightHorizontalScrollbar - my_bordersize*2); my_rectVerticalScrollbar.SetRect( w - my_widthScrollbar, 0, my_widthScrollbar, h); my_rectHorizontalScrollbar.SetRect( 0, h - my_heightHorizontalScrollbar, w, my_heightHorizontalScrollbar); my_objVerticalScrollbar->MoveWidget(my_rectVerticalScrollbar.my_xpos, my_rectVerticalScrollbar.my_ypos); my_objVerticalScrollbar->SizeWidget(my_rectVerticalScrollbar.my_width, my_rectVerticalScrollbar.my_height); my_objHorizontalScrollbar->MoveWidget(my_rectHorizontalScrollbar.my_xpos, my_rectHorizontalScrollbar.my_ypos); my_objHorizontalScrollbar->SizeWidget(my_rectHorizontalScrollbar.my_width, my_rectHorizontalScrollbar.my_height); CheckScrollBars(); } bool PG_WidgetList::eventScrollPos(int id, PG_Widget* widget, unsigned long data) { if(widget == my_objVerticalScrollbar) { ScrollToY(data); return true; } if(widget == my_objHorizontalScrollbar) { ScrollToX(data); return true; } return true; //PG_ThemeWidget::eventScrollPos(id, widget, data); } bool PG_WidgetList::eventScrollTrack(int id, PG_Widget* widget, unsigned long data) { if(widget == my_objVerticalScrollbar) { ScrollToY(data); return true; } if(widget == my_objHorizontalScrollbar) { ScrollToX(data); return true; } return true; // PG_ThemeWidget::eventScrollTrack(id, widget, data); } void PG_WidgetList::eventShow() { CheckScrollBars(); } void PG_WidgetList::AddWidget(PG_Widget* w) { if(w == NULL) { return; } w->SetVisible(false); AddChild(w); if(my_widgetList.empty()) { my_listheight = w->Height() + w->my_ypos; } else { my_listheight += (w->Height() + + w->my_ypos); } if (((w->Width() + w->my_xpos) > 0) && (Uint32(w->Width() + w->my_xpos) > my_listwidth)) { my_listwidth = w->Width() + w->my_xpos; } if(my_widgetCount == 0) { w->MoveWidget(w->my_xpos + my_bordersize, my_listheight - w->my_height + my_bordersize); } else { PG_Widget* last = my_widgetList[my_widgetCount - 1]; w->MoveWidget(w->my_xpos + my_bordersize, (last->y - my_ypos) + last->h + w->my_ypos); } my_widgetList.insert(my_widgetList.end(), w); my_widgetCount++; GetChildList()->BringToFront(my_objVerticalScrollbar); GetChildList()->BringToFront(my_objHorizontalScrollbar); UpdateScrollBarsPos(); if(!IsHidden() || IsVisible()) { w->SetVisible(true); CheckScrollBars(); Update(); } } void PG_WidgetList::DeleteAll() { if(my_widgetList.size() == 0) { return; } vector::iterator list = my_widgetList.begin(); PG_Widget* w = NULL; while(list != my_widgetList.end()) { w = *list; my_widgetList.erase(list); delete w; list = my_widgetList.begin(); } RemoveAll(); } void PG_WidgetList::RemoveAll() { my_listheight = my_listwidth = 0; my_widgetCount = 0; for(vector::iterator i = my_widgetList.begin(); i != my_widgetList.end(); i++) { (*i)->SetVisible(false); (*i)->MoveRect(0,0); } my_widgetList.clear(); ScrollToY(0); ScrollToX(0); } Sint32 PG_WidgetList::ScrollToY(Sint32 position) { PG_Rect r; int addheight = ((my_objHorizontalScrollbar->IsVisible()) ? my_heightHorizontalScrollbar : 0); if(position > Sint32(my_listheight - Height() + addheight)) { position = my_listheight - Height() + addheight; } if(position < 0) position = 0; my_internaldata->my_scrolldeltay -= position; for(int i=0; imy_scrolldeltay; if(r.my_ypos < -32000) { r.my_ypos = -32000; } else if (r.my_ypos > 32000) { r.my_ypos = 32000; } my_widgetList[i]->MoveRect(r.my_xpos, r.my_ypos); } Update(); my_internaldata->my_scrolldeltay = position; return position; } Sint32 PG_WidgetList::ScrollToX(Sint32 position) { PG_Rect r; int addwidth = ((my_objVerticalScrollbar->IsVisible()) ? my_widthScrollbar : 0); if(position > Sint32(my_listwidth - Width() + addwidth)) { position = my_listwidth - Width() + addwidth; } if(position < 0) position = 0; my_internaldata->my_scrolldeltax -= position; for(int i=0; imy_scrolldeltax; if(r.my_xpos < -32000) { r.my_xpos = -32000; } else if (r.my_xpos > 32000) { r.my_xpos = 32000; } my_widgetList[i]->MoveRect(r.my_xpos, r.my_ypos); } Update(); my_internaldata->my_scrolldeltax = position; return position; } PG_Widget* PG_WidgetList::GetWidgetFromPos(Sint32 y) { Uint32 dy = 0; Uint32 min_dy = 100000000; PG_Widget* result = NULL; for(int i=0; imy_ypos - my_ypos)); if(dy < min_dy) { min_dy = dy; result = my_widgetList[i]; } } return result; } bool PG_WidgetList::RemoveWidget(PG_Widget* w, bool shiftx, bool shifty) { vector::iterator wi = my_widgetList.begin(); vector::iterator ri = my_widgetList.end(); PG_Widget* widget = NULL; PG_Point ref1 = ScreenToClient(w->x + w->w, w->y + w->h); while (wi != my_widgetList.end()) { widget = *wi; PG_Point ref2 = ScreenToClient(widget->x, widget->y); // check if i should move the widget (x) if(shiftx && (ref2.x >= ref1.x)) { widget->MoveRect(widget->x - w->w, widget->y); } // check if i should move the widget (y) if(shifty && (ref2.y >= ref1.y)) { widget->MoveRect(widget->x, widget->y - w->h); } if(widget == w) { ri = wi; w->SetVisible(false); w->MoveRect(0,-2000); if(shifty) { my_listheight -= w->Height(); } my_widgetCount--; my_listwidth = 0; vector::iterator header; for (header = my_widgetList.begin(); header < my_widgetList.end(); header++) { PG_Point pos = ScreenToClient((*header)->my_xpos, (*header)->my_ypos); if ((((*header)->Width() + pos.x) > 0) && (my_listwidth < Uint32((*header)->Width() + pos.x))) { my_listwidth = (*header)->Width() + pos.x; } } }; wi++; } if(ri != my_widgetList.end()) { my_widgetList.erase(ri); } if(my_listheight >= (Uint32)Height()) { ScrollToY(my_firstWidget); } else { ScrollToY(0); } if(my_listwidth >= (Uint32)Width()) { ScrollToX(my_firstWidget); } else { ScrollToX(0); } UpdateScrollBarsPos(); if(IsVisible()) { CheckScrollBars(); Update(); } return true; } bool PG_WidgetList::RemoveWidgetAt(int index, bool shiftx, bool shifty) { return RemoveWidget(FindWidget(index), shiftx, shifty); } bool PG_WidgetList::DeleteWidget(PG_Widget* w, bool shiftx, bool shifty) { if(!RemoveWidget(w, shiftx, shifty)) { return false; } delete w; return true; } bool PG_WidgetList::DeleteWidgetAt(int index) { return DeleteWidget(FindWidget(index)); } PG_Widget* PG_WidgetList::FindWidget(int index) { if((index < 0) || (index >= (int)my_widgetList.size())) { return NULL; } return my_widgetList[index]; } int PG_WidgetList::FindIndex(PG_Widget* w) { int index = 0; vector < PG_Widget* >::iterator i; for(i = my_widgetList.begin(); i != my_widgetList.end(); i++) { if((*i) == w) { return index; } index++; } return -1; } int PG_WidgetList::GetWidgetCount() { return my_widgetCount; } void PG_WidgetList::UpdateScrollBarsPos() { int ls = 0, i; PG_ScrollBar *scrollBars[] = { my_objVerticalScrollbar, my_objHorizontalScrollbar }; Uint32 listsizes[] = { my_listheight, my_listwidth }; Uint16 sizes[] = { Height(), Width() }; if(my_widgetCount != 0) { for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { ls = listsizes[i] / my_widgetCount; if(ls == 0) { ls = 1; } scrollBars[i]->SetLineSize(ls); scrollBars[i]->SetRange(0, listsizes[i] - sizes[i]); scrollBars[i]->SetPageSize(sizes[i]); scrollBars[i]->SetPosition(scrollBars[i]->GetPosition()); } } } void PG_WidgetList::CheckScrollBars() { PG_LogDBG("Check2"); my_rectVerticalScrollbar.my_height = Height(); my_rectHorizontalScrollbar.my_width = Width(); if(my_listheight > (Uint32)Height()) { my_objVerticalScrollbar->SetHidden(!my_enableVerticalScrollbar); my_objVerticalScrollbar->SetVisible(my_enableVerticalScrollbar); } else { my_objVerticalScrollbar->SetHidden(true); my_objVerticalScrollbar->SetVisible(false); } if(my_listwidth > (Uint32)(Width() - ((my_objVerticalScrollbar->IsVisible()) ? my_widthScrollbar : 0))) { my_objHorizontalScrollbar->SetVisible(my_enableHorizontalScrollbar); if(my_listheight > (Uint32)(Height() - my_heightHorizontalScrollbar)) { my_objVerticalScrollbar->SetHidden(!my_enableVerticalScrollbar); my_objVerticalScrollbar->SetVisible(my_enableVerticalScrollbar); } if ((my_enableHorizontalScrollbar) && (my_objVerticalScrollbar->IsVisible())) { my_rectVerticalScrollbar.my_height -= my_heightHorizontalScrollbar; my_rectHorizontalScrollbar.my_width -= my_widthScrollbar; } } else { my_objHorizontalScrollbar->SetHidden(true); my_objHorizontalScrollbar->SetVisible(false); } if (my_objVerticalScrollbar->IsVisible()) { my_objVerticalScrollbar->SetRange(0, my_listheight - Height() + my_heightHorizontalScrollbar); } if (my_objHorizontalScrollbar->IsVisible()) { my_objHorizontalScrollbar->SetRange(0, my_listwidth - Width() + my_widthScrollbar); } my_objVerticalScrollbar->SizeWidget(my_widthScrollbar, my_rectVerticalScrollbar.my_height); my_objHorizontalScrollbar->SizeWidget(my_rectHorizontalScrollbar.my_width, my_heightHorizontalScrollbar); } void PG_WidgetList::EnableScrollBar(bool enable, int direction) { if (direction == PG_SB_VERTICAL) { my_enableVerticalScrollbar = enable; } else if (direction == PG_SB_HORIZONTAL) { my_enableHorizontalScrollbar = enable; } CheckScrollBars(); if ((!my_enableVerticalScrollbar) && (direction == PG_SB_VERTICAL)) { my_widthScrollbar = 0; SizeWidget(Width(), Height()); } else if ((!my_enableHorizontalScrollbar) && (direction == PG_SB_HORIZONTAL)) { my_heightHorizontalScrollbar = 0; SizeWidget(Width(), Height()); } } void PG_WidgetList::ScrollTo(PG_Widget* widget, int direction) { if(my_widgetCount == 0) { return; } if (direction == PG_SB_VERTICAL) { int ypos = widget->y - FindWidget(0)->y; ypos = ScrollToY(ypos); my_objVerticalScrollbar->SetPosition(ypos); } else if (direction == PG_SB_HORIZONTAL) { int xpos = widget->x - FindWidget(0)->x; xpos = ScrollToX(xpos); my_objHorizontalScrollbar->SetPosition(xpos); } } void PG_WidgetList::ScrollTo(int index, int direction) { PG_Widget* w = FindWidget(index); if(w == NULL) { return; } ScrollTo(w, direction); } void PG_WidgetList::PageUp() { ScrollToY(my_internaldata->my_scrolldeltay - my_height ); } void PG_WidgetList::PageDown() { ScrollToY(my_internaldata->my_scrolldeltay + my_height ); }