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Re: [paragui-users] Win32 Fonts not drawing

From: Ulf Lorenz
Subject: Re: [paragui-users] Win32 Fonts not drawing
Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2003 23:27:28 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.4i

On Wed, Nov 26, 2003 at 10:32:20AM -0800, Kirk Haderlie wrote:
> I am trying to get paragui demo 1.04 working compiling with Visual Studio
> .NET.  I have the demo working but none of the text is being drawn.  I am
> using freetype 2.1.5.  Anyone every had this problem?  Your help would be
> appreciated.
One of our developers has a similar problem. There are two reasons why the text
is not drawn:

a) Paragui doesn't load the fonts (incorrect path or so).
b) something else (I haven't investigated the font code _that_ far yet)

You can check if the fonts are loaded because a message like
"defaultfont: default/Vera.ttf" appears, or a warning "couldn't find default
font" is returned otherwise. (Perhaps you have to set
"PG_LogConsole::SetLogLevel(PG_LOG_MSG)" to activate the output).

In the first case, mail back, something is wong with your theme file. In the
latter case, however, you can just wait for a fix or try to care for it
yourself. It is on some kind of TODO list for me and the affected developer,
but so are many other things which is why I wouldn't dare to promise anything.

> Kirk Haderlie

' I really should talk to him, sir. He's had a near-death experience!'
'We all do. It's called living.'

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