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[pdf-devel] [flyspray] New unit tests for pdf_text_get_unicode() in the

From: GNU PDF Library
Subject: [pdf-devel] [flyspray] New unit tests for pdf_text_get_unicode() in the Text Module
Date: Thu, 05 Nov 2009 21:10:53 +0100


The following task has been changed.  The changes are listed below.  For full 
information about what has changed, visit the URL and click the History tab.

FS#75 - New unit tests for pdf_text_get_unicode() in the Text Module
User who did this: Sylvain Beucler (beuc)
Task details edited:
A new option was added to the pdf_text_get_unicode() function: 
PDF_TEXT_UNICODE_WITH_NUL_SUFFIX, with the purpose of adding a NUL suffix in 
the Unicode-encoded string you get when calling that function.

The last NUL suffix is of the same size as the base character size in each 
Unicode encoding:
* 1-NUL-byte for UTF-8
* 2-NUL-bytes for UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE, UTF-16HE
* 4-NUL-bytes for UTF-32BE, UTF-32LE, UTF-32HE

To test this option, 54 new cases were documented in the pdf_text_get_unicode 
group of tests, which are completely equivalent to the already existing 54 
cases, but with including the new PDF_TEXT_UNICODE_WITH_NUL_SUFFIX. The first 7 
new tests where already implemented, and are available in the following file:
* torture/unit/base/text/pdf-text-get-unicode.c

Library API:
* http://www.gnupdf.org/manuals/gnupdf.html/Encoded-Text.html
Test Specification Document:

Current status:

Jose says: "[What we need to fix] is that we are extracting the documentation of the 
tests from the comment blocks heading the START_TESTs."


More information can be found at the following URL:

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