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[Perlpanel-devel] New applet: Biff (and a patch)

From: Moshe Kaminsky
Subject: [Perlpanel-devel] New applet: Biff (and a patch)
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2004 15:21:25 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.6i


I have written a new applet, Biff, for new mail notification. I attach 
it to this mail. It will only work with a few changes to the core 
perlpanel code (a patch is in the attachment). This patch allows adding 
several instances of an applet to the panel, each with a different 
configuration. This way I use it for several folders.

The contents of the attached file is as follows:
1. - the applet itself. A full description is available in the 
2. perlpanel.patch - the patch to the core code. Apply it with -p1 in 
   the directory where resides. The basic idea is that an 
   element in the 'applets' list may contain a field conf='...', where 
   the ... is the name of the appletconf to use. As far as I see, it is 
   backward compatible.

3. icons/biff.png, icons/biff - the icon for the applet, and two extra 
   icons in the biff subdir (all stolen from some other biff replacement 
   :). Should be copied to PREFIX/share/pixmaps/perlpanel/applets.

Since I know nothing about gtk, there probably are problems, but 
basically, it works.

If Gtk2::PodViewer is installed, the documentation can be viewed by 
pressing the 'Help' button in the configuration menu.

Any feedback is welcome!


I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. 
                                        -- Douglas Adams
    Moshe Kaminsky <address@hidden>

Attachment: Biff.tar.bz2
Description: BZip2 compressed data

Attachment: pgpByPHmIjJIT.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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