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[Phpgroupware-cvs] CVS: phpgwapi/inc class.sessions.inc.php,1.104,1.104
From: |
Ralf Becker <address@hidden> |
Subject: |
[Phpgroupware-cvs] CVS: phpgwapi/inc class.sessions.inc.php,1.104, class.sessions_db.inc.php,, class.sessions_php4.inc.php,, |
Date: |
Sat, 17 May 2003 16:45:09 -0400 |
Update of /cvsroot/phpgroupware/phpgwapi/inc
In directory subversions:/tmp/cvs-serv6317
Modified Files:
Tag: Version-0_9_16-branch
class.sessions.inc.php class.sessions_db.inc.php
Log Message:
added blocking after a certain number of unsuccessfull login-attemps and loging
of them in the accesslog
Index: class.sessions.inc.php
RCS file: /cvsroot/phpgroupware/phpgwapi/inc/class.sessions.inc.php,v
retrieving revision 1.104
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -r1.104 -r1.104.4.1
*** class.sessions.inc.php 5 Jan 2002 02:24:10 -0000 1.104
--- class.sessions.inc.php 17 May 2003 20:45:06 -0000
*** 1,7 ****
if (empty($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['sessions_type']))
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['sessions_type'] = 'db';
! ?>
--- 1,1007 ----
+ /**************************************************************************\
[...985 lines suppressed...]
! {
! $app =
! if ($slash_check == '/')
! {
! $url =
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['webserver_url'] . $url;
! }
! elseif ($app == 'home' || $app == 'logout' ||
$app == 'login')
! {
! $url =
! }
! else
! {
! $url =
! }
! } */
! //echo "$url\n";
! return $url;
! }
! }
Index: class.sessions_db.inc.php
RCS file: /cvsroot/phpgroupware/phpgwapi/inc/class.sessions_db.inc.php,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -r1. -r1.
*** class.sessions_db.inc.php 31 Mar 2003 22:25:37 -0000
--- class.sessions_db.inc.php 17 May 2003 20:45:06 -0000
*** 24,282 ****
/* $Id$ */
! /*
! ** Reserved session_flags
! ** A - anonymous session
! ** N - None, normal session
! */
! class sessions
! var $login;
! var $passwd;
! var $account_id;
! var $account_lid;
! var $account_domain;
! var $session_flags;
! var $sessionid;
! var $kp3;
! var $key;
! var $iv;
! var $data;
! var $db;
! var $db2;
! var $public_functions = array(
! 'list_methods' => True,
! 'update_dla' => True,
! 'list' => True,
! 'total' => True
! );
! var $cookie_domain;
! var $xmlrpc_method_called;
! * Constructor just loads up some defaults from cookies
! function sessions()
! {
! $this->db = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db;
! $this->db2 = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db;
! $this->sessionid =
! $this->kp3 =
! /* Create the crypto object */
! $GLOBALS['phpgw']->crypto =
! $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime =
! $this->phpgw_set_cookiedomain();
! }
! function DONTlist_methods($_type)
! {
! if (is_array($_type))
! {
! $_type = $_type['type'];
! }
! switch($_type)
! {
! case 'xmlrpc':
! $xml_functions = array(
! 'list_methods' => array(
! 'function' =>
! 'signature' =>
! 'docstring' =>
lang('Read this list of methods.')
! ),
! 'update_dla' => array(
! 'function' =>
! 'signature' =>
! 'docstring' =>
lang('Returns an array of todo items')
! )
! );
! return $xml_functions;
! break;
! case 'soap':
! return $this->soap_functions;
! break;
! default:
! return array();
! break;
! }
! }
! * Functions for creating and verifying the session
! function getuser_ip()
! global
! {
! }
! else
! {
! return
! }
! }
! function verify($sessionid='',$kp3='')
! {
! if(empty($sessionid) || !$sessionid)
! {
! $sessionid =
$GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['sessionid'] ? $GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['sessionid']
: $GLOBALS['HTTP_COOKIE_VARS']['sessionid'];
! $kp3 = $GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['kp3']
? $GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['kp3'] :
! }
! $db = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db;
! $db2 = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db;
! $this->sessionid = $sessionid;
! $this->kp3 = $kp3;
! $db->query("SELECT * FROM phpgw_sessions WHERE
session_id='" . $this->sessionid . "'",__LINE__,__FILE__);
! $db->next_record();
! $this->session_flags = $db->f('session_flags');
! $login_array = explode('@', $db->f('session_lid'));
! $this->account_lid = $login_array[0];
! if (@$login_array[1] != '')
! {
! $this->account_domain = $login_array[1];
! }
! else
! {
! $this->account_domain =
! }
! $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['kp3'] = $this->kp3;
! $userid_array = explode('@',$db->f('session_lid'));
! // Thinking this might solve auth_http problems
! if(@$userid_array[1] == '')
! {
! $userid_array[1] = 'default';
! }
! $this->account_lid = $userid_array[0];
! $this->update_dla();
! $this->account_id =
! if (!$this->account_id)
! {
! return False;
! }
! $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id'] =
! /* init the crypto object before appsession call below
! $this->key = md5($this->kp3 . $this->sessionid .
! $this->iv =
! if ($this->user['expires'] != -1 &&
$this->user['expires'] < time())
! {
! if(is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->log))
! {
! $GLOBALS['phpgw']->log->message(array(
! 'text' => 'W-VerifySession,
account loginid %1 is expired',
! 'p1' => $this->account_lid,
! 'line' => __LINE__,
! 'file' => __FILE__
! ));
! $GLOBALS['phpgw']->log->commit();
! }
! if(is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->crypto))
! {
! $GLOBALS['phpgw']->crypto->cleanup();
! unset($GLOBALS['phpgw']->crypto);
! }
! return False;
! }
! $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user'] = $this->user;
! $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['hooks'] = $this->hooks;
! $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['session_ip'] =
! $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['passwd'] =
! if ($userid_array[1] !=
! {
! if(is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->log))
! {
! $GLOBALS['phpgw']->log->message(array(
! 'text' => 'W-VerifySession, the
domains %1 and %2 don\'t match',
! 'p1' => $userid_array[1],
! 'p2' =>
! 'line' => __LINE__,
! 'file' => __FILE__
! ));
! $GLOBALS['phpgw']->log->commit();
! }
! if(is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->crypto))
! {
! $GLOBALS['phpgw']->crypto->cleanup();
! unset($GLOBALS['phpgw']->crypto);
! }
! return False;
! }
! if
! {
! if (PHP_OS != 'Windows' && (!
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['session_ip'] ||
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['session_ip'] != $this->getuser_ip()))
! {
! if(is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->log))
! {
! // This needs some better
! 'text' =>
'W-VerifySession, IP %1 doesn\'t match IP %2 in session table',
! 'p1' =>
! 'p2' =>
! 'line' => __LINE__,
! 'file' => __FILE__
! ));
! }
! if(is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->crypto))
! {
! }
! return False;
! }
! }
! $GLOBALS['phpgw']->acl->acl($this->account_id);
! if (! $this->account_lid)
! {
! if(is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->log))
! {
! // This needs some better wording
! $GLOBALS['phpgw']->log->message(array(
! 'text' => 'W-VerifySession,
account_id is empty',
! 'line' => __LINE__,
! 'file' => __FILE__
! ));
! $GLOBALS['phpgw']->log->commit();
! }
! if(is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->crypto))
! {
! $GLOBALS['phpgw']->crypto->cleanup();
! unset($GLOBALS['phpgw']->crypto);
! }
! echo 'DEBUG: Sessions: account_id is
! return False;
! }
! else
! {
! return True;
! }
--- 24,35 ----
/* $Id$ */
! class sessions_
! function read_session($sessionid)
! $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM phpgw_sessions WHERE
session_id='" . $this->sessionid . "'",__LINE__,__FILE__);
! $this->db->next_record();
! return $this->db->Record;
*** 295,667 ****
! function phpgw_set_cookiedomain()
! if (preg_match("/^(.*):(.*)$/",$dom,$arr))
! {
! $dom = $arr[1];
! }
! $parts = explode('.',$dom);
! if (count($parts) > 2)
! {
! if (!ereg('[0-9]+',$parts[1]))
! {
! for($i=1;$i<count($parts);$i++)
! {
! $this->cookie_domain .= '.'.$parts[$i];
! }
! }
! else
! {
! $this->cookie_domain = '';
! }
! }
! else
! {
! $this->cookie_domain = '';
! }
! print_debug('COOKIE_DOMAIN',$this->cookie_domain,'api');
! function
- if (!$this->cookie_domain)
- {
- $this->phpgw_set_cookiedomain();
- }
- }
- function create($login,$passwd = '',$passwd_type = '')
- {
- if (is_array($login))
- {
- $this->login = $login['login'];
- $this->passwd = $login['passwd'];
- $this->passwd_type = $login['passwd_type'];
- $login = $this->login;
- }
- else
- {
- $this->login = $login;
- $this->passwd = $passwd;
- $this->passwd_type = $passwd_type;
- }
- $this->clean_sessions();
- $login_array = explode('@', $login);
- $this->account_lid = $login_array[0];
- $now = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->gmtnow;
- if ($login_array[1] != '')
- {
- $this->account_domain = $login_array[1];
- }
- else
- {
- $this->account_domain =
- }
- if
- {
- return False;
- }
- if
((!$GLOBALS['phpgw']->auth->authenticate($this->account_lid, $this->passwd,
$this->passwd_type)) ||
$GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts->get_type($this->account_lid) == 'g')
- {
- return False;
- exit;
- }
- if
((!$GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts->exists($this->account_lid)) &&
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['auto_create_acct'] == True)
- {
- $this->account_id =
$GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts->auto_add($this->account_lid, $passwd);
- }
- else
- {
- $this->account_id =
- }
- $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id'] =
- $this->sessionid =
md5($GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->gmtnow .
- $this->kp3 =
- if ($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['usecookies'])
- {
- $this->phpgw_setcookie('kp3',$this->kp3);
- if ($this->account_domain ==
- {
- $this->phpgw_setcookie('last_loginid',
$this->account_lid ,$now+1209600); /* For 2 weeks */
- }
- else
- {
- $this->phpgw_setcookie('last_loginid',
$login ,$now+1209600); /* For 2 weeks */
- }
unset($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['default_domain']); /* we kill this for
security reasons */
- }
- /* init the crypto object */
- $this->key = md5($this->kp3 . $this->sessionid .
- $this->iv =
- $this->read_repositories(False);
- if ($this->user['expires'] != -1 &&
$this->user['expires'] < $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->gmtnow)
- {
- if(is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->log))
- {
- $GLOBALS['phpgw']->log->message(array(
- 'text' => 'W-LoginFailure,
account loginid %1 is expired',
- 'p1' => $this->account_lid,
- 'line' => __LINE__,
- 'file' => __FILE__
- ));
- $GLOBALS['phpgw']->log->commit();
- }
- return False;
- }
- $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user'] = $this->user;
- $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['hooks'] = $this->hooks;
- if
- {
- $session_flags = 'A';
- }
- else
- {
- $session_flags = 'N';
- }
- $user_ip = $this->getuser_ip();
- $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->transaction_begin();
$GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query("INSERT INTO
phpgw_sessions VALUES ('" . $this->sessionid
. "','".$login."','" . $user_ip . "','"
. $now . "','" . $now . "','" .
$GLOBALS['PHP_SELF'] . "','" . $session_flags
. "')",__LINE__,__FILE__);
- $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query('INSERT INTO
phpgw_access_log(sessionid,loginid,ip,li,lo,account_id) '
- ." VALUES ('" . $this->sessionid . "','" .
"$login','" . $user_ip . "',".$now.",''," . $this->account_id .
- $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->transaction_commit();
- return $this->sessionid;
- }
- function verify_server($sessionid, $kp3)
- {
- $GLOBALS['phpgw']->interserver =
- $db = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db;
- $db2 = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db;
- $this->sessionid = $sessionid;
- $this->kp3 = $kp3;
- $db->query("SELECT * FROM phpgw_sessions WHERE
session_id='" . $this->sessionid . "'",__LINE__,__FILE__);
- $db->next_record();
- $this->session_flags = $db->f('session_flags');
- $login_array = explode('@', $db->f('session_lid'));
- $this->account_lid = $login_array[0];
- if (@$login_array[1] != '')
- {
- $this->account_domain = $login_array[1];
- }
- else
- {
- $this->account_domain =
- }
- $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['kp3'] = $this->kp3;
- $phpgw_info_flags = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags'];
- $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags'] = $phpgw_info_flags;
- $userid_array = explode('@',$db->f('session_lid'));
- // Thinking this might solve auth_http problems
- if(@$userid_array[1] == '')
- {
- $userid_array[1] = 'default';
- }
- $this->account_lid = $userid_array[1];
- $this->update_dla();
- $this->account_id =
- if (!$this->account_id)
- {
- return False;
- }
- $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id'] =
- /* init the crypto object before appsession call below
- $this->key = md5($this->kp3 . $this->sessionid .
- $this->iv =
- $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user'] = $this->user;
- $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['hooks'] = $this->hooks;
- $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['session_ip'] =
- $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['passwd'] =
- if ($userid_array[1] !=
- {
- if(is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->log))
- {
- $GLOBALS['phpgw']->log->message(array(
- 'text' => 'W-VerifySession, the
domains %1 and %2 don\t match',
- 'p1' => $userid_array[1],
- 'p2' =>
- 'line' => __LINE__,
- 'file' => __FILE__
- ));
- $GLOBALS['phpgw']->log->commit();
- }
- if(is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->crypto))
- {
- $GLOBALS['phpgw']->crypto->cleanup();
- unset($GLOBALS['phpgw']->crypto);
- }
- return False;
- }
- if
- {
- if (PHP_OS != 'Windows' && (!
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['session_ip'] ||
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['session_ip'] != $this->getuser_ip()))
- {
- if(is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->log))
- {
- // This needs some better
- 'text' =>
'W-VerifySession, IP %1 doesn\'t match IP %2 in session table',
- 'p1' =>
- 'p2' =>
- 'line' => __LINE__,
- 'file' => __FILE__
- ));
- }
- if(is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->crypto))
- {
- }
- return False;
- }
- }
- $GLOBALS['phpgw']->acl->acl($this->account_id);
- if (! $this->account_lid)
- {
- if(is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->log))
- {
- // This needs some better wording
- $GLOBALS['phpgw']->log->message(array(
- 'text' => 'W-VerifySession,
account_id is empty',
- 'line' => __LINE__,
- 'file' => __FILE__
- ));
- $GLOBALS['phpgw']->log->commit();
- }
- if(is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->crypto))
- {
- $GLOBALS['phpgw']->crypto->cleanup();
- unset($GLOBALS['phpgw']->crypto);
- }
- return False;
- }
- else
- {
- return True;
- }
- }
- function create_server($login,$passwd)
- {
- $GLOBALS['phpgw']->interserver =
- $this->login = $login;
- $this->passwd = $passwd;
- $this->clean_sessions();
- $login_array = explode('@', $login);
- $this->account_lid = $login_array[0];
- $now = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->gmtnow;
- if ($login_array[1] != '')
- {
- $this->account_domain = $login_array[1];
- }
- else
- {
- $this->account_domain =
- }
- $serverdata = array(
- 'server_name' => $this->account_domain,
- 'username' => $this->account_lid,
- 'password' => $passwd
- );
- if (!$GLOBALS['phpgw']->interserver->auth($serverdata))
- {
- return False;
- exit;
- }
- if
- {
- $this->account_id =
- }
- $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id'] =
- $GLOBALS['phpgw']->interserver->serverid =
- $this->sessionid =
- $this->kp3 =
- /* re-init the crypto object */
- $this->key = md5($this->kp3 . $this->sessionid .
- $this->iv =
- //$this->read_repositories(False);
- $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user'] = $this->user;
- $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['hooks'] = $this->hooks;
- $session_flags = 'S';
- $user_ip = $this->getuser_ip();
- $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->transaction_begin();
- $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query("INSERT INTO
phpgw_sessions VALUES ('" . $this->sessionid
- . "','".$login."','" . $user_ip . "','"
- . $now . "','" . $now . "','" .
$GLOBALS['PHP_SELF'] . "','" . $session_flags
- . "')",__LINE__,__FILE__);
- $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query("INSERT INTO
phpgw_access_log VALUES ('" . $this->sessionid . "','"
- . "$login','" . $user_ip . "','$now','','" .
$this->account_id . "')",__LINE__,__FILE__);
- $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->transaction_commit();
- return array($this->sessionid,$this->kp3);
--- 48,62 ----
! function set_cookie_params($domain)
! // only for php4-sessions
! function register_session($login,$user_ip,$now,$session_flags)
$GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query("INSERT INTO
phpgw_sessions VALUES ('" . $this->sessionid
. "','".$login."','" . $user_ip . "','"
. $now . "','" . $now . "','" .
$GLOBALS['PHP_SELF'] . "','" . $session_flags
. "')",__LINE__,__FILE__);
*** 706,711 ****
$GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query("DELETE FROM
phpgw_app_sessions WHERE sessionid='"
. $sessionid . "'",__LINE__,__FILE__);
! $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query("UPDATE phpgw_access_log
SET lo='" . $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->gmtnow . "' WHERE sessionid='"
! . $sessionid . "'",__LINE__,__FILE__);
// Only do the following, if where working with the
current user
--- 101,105 ----
$GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query("DELETE FROM
phpgw_app_sessions WHERE sessionid='"
. $sessionid . "'",__LINE__,__FILE__);
! $this->log_access($this->sessionid); // log
// Only do the following, if where working with the
current user
*** 722,778 ****
* Functions for appsession data and session cache
- function read_repositories($cached='',$write_cache=True)
- {
- $GLOBALS['phpgw']->acl->acl($this->account_id);
- if(@$cached)
- {
- $this->user =
- if(!empty($this->user))
- {
- $GLOBALS['phpgw']->preferences->data =
- if
(!isset($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['apps']) ||
- {
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $this->setup_cache($write_cache);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $this->setup_cache($write_cache);
- }
- $this->hooks = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->hooks->read();
- }
- function setup_cache($write_cache=True)
- {
- $this->user =
- $this->user['acl'] =
- $this->user['preferences'] =
- $this->user['apps'] =
- //@reset($this->data['user']['apps']);
- $this->user['domain'] = $this->account_domain;
- $this->user['sessionid'] = $this->sessionid;
- $this->user['kp3'] = $this->kp3;
- $this->user['session_ip'] = $this->getuser_ip();
- $this->user['session_lid'] =
- $this->user['account_id'] = $this->account_id;
- $this->user['account_lid'] = $this->account_lid;
- $this->user['userid'] = $this->account_lid;
- $this->user['passwd'] = @$this->passwd;
if(@$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['cache_phpgw_info'] && $write_cache)
- {
- $this->delete_cache();
- }
- }
function delete_cache($accountid='')
--- 116,119 ----
*** 786,806 ****
- // This looks to be useless
- // This will capture everything in the $GLOBALS['phpgw_info'] including
server info,
- // and store it in appsessions. This is really incompatible with any type of
- // from appsession as the saved user info is really in ['user'] rather than
the root of
- // the structure, which is what this class likes.
- function save_repositories()
- {
- $phpgw_info_temp = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info'];
- $phpgw_info_temp['user']['kp3'] = '';
- $phpgw_info_temp['flags'] = array();
- if
- {
- }
- }
function appsession($location = 'default', $appname = '', $data
= '##NOTHING##')
--- 127,130 ----
*** 861,1045 ****
return $data;
- }
- function restore()
- {
- $sessionData = $this->appsession('sessiondata');
- if (is_array($sessionData))
- {
- reset($sessionData);
- while(list($key,$value) = each($sessionData))
- {
- global $$key;
- $$key = $value;
- $this->variableNames[$key] =
- // echo 'restored: '.$key.', ' . $value
. '<br>';
- }
- }
- }
- // save the current values of the variables
- function save()
- {
- if (is_array($this->variableNames))
- {
- reset($this->variableNames);
- while(list($key, $value) =
- {
- if ($value == 'registered')
- {
- global $$key;
- $sessionData[$key] = $$key;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // create a list a variable names, wich data need's to be
- function register($_variableName)
- {
- $this->variableNames[$_variableName]='registered';
- #print 'registered '.$_variableName.'<br>';
- }
- // mark variable as unregistered
- function unregister($_variableName)
- {
- $this->variableNames[$_variableName]='unregistered';
- #print 'unregistered '.$_variableName.'<br>';
- }
- // check if we have a variable registred already
- function is_registered($_variableName)
- {
- if ($this->variableNames[$_variableName] ==
- {
- return True;
- }
- else
- {
- return False;
- }
- }
- * Function to handle session support via url or cookies
- function link($url, $extravars = '')
- {
- $kp3 = $GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['kp3'] ?
- if (! $kp3)
- {
- $kp3 = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['kp3'];
- }
- // Explicit hack to work around problems with php
running as CGI on windows
- // please let us know if this doesn't work for you!
- // I am not sure how my changes will affect the
- // Could someone with access to a Windows install check
it ? (jengo)
- /* if (! $url && (PHP_OS == 'Windows' || PHP_OS == 'OS/2'
|| PHP_OS == 'WIN32' || PHP_OS == 'WIN16'))
- {
- $exe = strpos($GLOBALS['PHP_SELF'],'php.exe');
- if ($exe != false) {
- $exe += 7; // strlen('php.exe')
- $url_root = split ('/',
- $url = (strlen($url_root[0])?
$url_root[0].'//':'') . $url_root[2];
- $url .=
- }
- }
- */
- $url =
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['webserver_url'] . $url;
- // This needs to be tested as well. (jengo)
- /* if (! $url)
- {
- $url_root = split ('/',
- // Some hosting providers have their paths
- // If the value from $PHP_SELF is not
what you expect, you can use this to patch it
- // It will need to be adjusted to your
specific problem tho.
- //
- //$patched_php_self =
str_replace('/php4/php/phpgroupware', '/phpgroupware', $GLOBALS['PHP_SELF']);
- $patched_php_self = $GLOBALS['PHP_SELF'];
- $url = (strlen($url_root[0])?
$url_root[0].'//':'') . $url_root[2] . $patched_php_self;
- }
- */
- // build the extravars string from a array
- if (is_array($extravars))
- {
- while(list($key,$value) = each($extravars))
- {
- if (!empty($new_extravars))
- {
- $new_extravars .= '&';
- }
- $new_extravars .= "$key=$value";
- }
- // This needs to be explictly reset to a string
variable type for PHP3
- settype($extravars,'string');
- $extravars = $new_extravars;
- }
- if
(isset($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['usecookies']) &&
- {
- if ($extravars)
- {
- $url .= '?' . $extravars;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $sessionID = 'sessionid=' .
- $sessionID .= '&kp3=' . $kp3;
- $sessionID .= '&domain=' .
- // This doesn't belong in the API.
- // Its up to the app to pass this value. (jengo)
- // Putting it into the app requires a massive
number of updates in email app.
- // Until that happens this needs to stay here
- if
(isset($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['newsmode']) &&
- {
- $url .= '&newsmode=on';
- }
- if ($extravars)
- {
- $url .= '?' . $extravars . '&' .
- }
- else
- {
- $url .= '?' . $sessionID;
- }
- }
- /* $url = str_replace('/?', '/index.php?', $url);
- $webserver_url_count =
- $slash_check = strtolower(substr($url ,0,1));
- if (substr($url ,0,$webserver_url_count) !=
- {
- $app =
- if ($slash_check == '/')
- {
- $url =
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['webserver_url'] . $url;
- }
- elseif ($app == 'home' || $app == 'logout' ||
$app == 'login')
- {
- $url =
- }
- else
- {
- $url =
- }
- } */
- //echo "$url\n";
- return $url;
--- 185,188 ----
Index: class.sessions_php4.inc.php
RCS file: /cvsroot/phpgroupware/phpgwapi/inc/class.sessions_php4.inc.php,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -r1.6.2.10 -r1.
*** class.sessions_php4.inc.php 21 Mar 2003 00:48:35 -0000
--- class.sessions_php4.inc.php 17 May 2003 20:45:06 -0000
*** 4,7 ****
--- 4,8 ----
* This file written by Dan Kuykendall <address@hidden> *
* and Joseph Engo <address@hidden> *
+ * and Ralf Becker <address@hidden> *
* Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Dan Kuykendall *
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------*
*** 24,272 ****
/* $Id$ */
! /*
! ** Reserved session_flags
! ** A - anonymous session
! ** N - None, normal session
! */
! class sessions
! var $login;
! var $passwd;
! var $account_id;
! var $account_lid;
! var $account_domain;
! var $session_flags;
! var $sessionid;
! var $kp3;
! var $key;
! var $iv;
! var $data;
! var $public_functions = array(
! 'list_methods' => True,
! 'update_dla' => True,
! 'list' => True,
! 'total' => True
! );
! var $cookie_domain;
! * Constructor just loads up some defaults from cookies
! function sessions()
- $this->sessionid =
- $this->kp3 =
- /* Create the crypto object */
- $GLOBALS['phpgw']->crypto =
- $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime =
- $this->phpgw_set_cookiedomain();
- }
- function DONTlist_methods($_type)
- {
- if (is_array($_type))
- {
- $_type = $_type['type'];
- }
- switch($_type)
- {
- case 'xmlrpc':
- $xml_functions = array(
- 'list_methods' => array(
- 'function' =>
- 'signature' =>
- 'docstring' =>
lang('Read this list of methods.')
- ),
- 'update_dla' => array(
- 'function' =>
- 'signature' =>
- 'docstring' =>
lang('Returns an array of todo items')
- )
- );
- return $xml_functions;
- break;
- case 'soap':
- return $this->soap_functions;
- break;
- default:
- return array();
- break;
- }
- }
- * Functions for creating and verifying the session
- function getuser_ip()
- {
- global
- {
- }
- else
- {
- return
- }
- }
- function verify($sessionid='',$kp3='')
- {
- if(empty($sessionid) || !$sessionid)
- {
- $sessionid =
$GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['sessionid'] ? $GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['sessionid']
: $GLOBALS['HTTP_COOKIE_VARS']['sessionid'];
- $kp3 = $GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['kp3']
? $GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['kp3'] :
- }
- $this->sessionid = $sessionid;
- $this->kp3 = $kp3;
! $GLOBALS['phpgw_session'] =
! $this->session_flags =
! $login_array =
! $this->account_lid = $login_array[0];
! if (@$login_array[1] != '')
! {
! $this->account_domain = $login_array[1];
! }
! else
! {
! $this->account_domain =
! }
! $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['kp3'] = $this->kp3;
! $userid_array =
! // Thinking this might solve auth_http problems
! if(@$userid_array[1] == '')
! {
! $userid_array[1] = 'default';
! }
! $this->account_lid = $userid_array[0];
! $this->update_dla();
! $this->account_id =
! if (!$this->account_id)
! {
! return False;
! }
! $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id'] =
! /* init the crypto object before appsession call below
! $this->key = md5($this->kp3 . $this->sessionid .
! $this->iv =
! if ($this->user['expires'] != -1 &&
$this->user['expires'] < $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->gmtnow)
! {
! if(is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->log))
! {
! $GLOBALS['phpgw']->log->message(array(
! 'text' => 'W-VerifySession,
account loginid %1 is expired',
! 'p1' => $this->account_lid,
! 'line' => __LINE__,
! 'file' => __FILE__
! ));
! $GLOBALS['phpgw']->log->commit();
! }
! if(is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->crypto))
! {
! $GLOBALS['phpgw']->crypto->cleanup();
! unset($GLOBALS['phpgw']->crypto);
! }
! return False;
! }
! $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user'] = $this->user;
! $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['hooks'] = $this->hooks;
! $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['session_ip'] =
! $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['passwd'] =
! if ($userid_array[1] !=
! {
! if(is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->log))
! {
! $GLOBALS['phpgw']->log->message(array(
! 'text' => 'W-VerifySession, the
domains %1 and %2 don\'t match',
! 'p1' => $userid_array[1],
! 'p2' =>
! 'line' => __LINE__,
! 'file' => __FILE__
! ));
! $GLOBALS['phpgw']->log->commit();
! }
! if(is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->crypto))
! {
! $GLOBALS['phpgw']->crypto->cleanup();
! unset($GLOBALS['phpgw']->crypto);
! }
! return False;
! }
! if
! {
! if (PHP_OS != 'Windows' && (!
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['session_ip'] ||
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['session_ip'] != $this->getuser_ip()))
! {
! if(is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->log))
! {
! // This needs some better
! 'text' =>
'W-VerifySession, IP %1 doesn\'t match IP %2 in session table',
! 'p1' =>
! 'p2' =>
! 'line' => __LINE__,
! 'file' => __FILE__
! ));
! }
! if(is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->crypto))
! {
! }
! return False;
! }
! }
! $GLOBALS['phpgw']->acl->acl($this->account_id);
! if (! $this->account_lid)
! {
! if(is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->log))
! {
! // This needs some better wording
! $GLOBALS['phpgw']->log->message(array(
! 'text' => 'W-VerifySession,
account_id is empty',
! 'line' => __LINE__,
! 'file' => __FILE__
! ));
! $GLOBALS['phpgw']->log->commit();
! }
! if(is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->crypto))
! {
! $GLOBALS['phpgw']->crypto->cleanup();
! unset($GLOBALS['phpgw']->crypto);
! }
! return False;
! }
! else
! {
! return True;
! }
--- 25,34 ----
/* $Id$ */
! class sessions_
! function read_session($sessionid)
! return $GLOBALS['phpgw_session'] =
*** 277,641 ****
! function phpgw_set_cookiedomain()
! if (preg_match("/^(.*):(.*)$/",$dom,$arr))
! {
! $dom = $arr[1];
! }
! $parts = explode('.',$dom);
! if (count($parts) > 2)
! {
! if (!ereg('[0-9]+',$parts[1]))
! {
! for($i=1;$i<count($parts);$i++)
! {
! $this->cookie_domain .= '.'.$parts[$i];
! }
! }
! else
! {
! $this->cookie_domain = '';
! }
! }
! else
! {
! $this->cookie_domain = '';
! }
! print_debug('COOKIE_DOMAIN',$this->cookie_domain,'api');
! session_set_cookie_params(0,'/',$this->cookie_domain);
! }
! function
! {
! if (!$this->cookie_domain)
! {
! $this->phpgw_set_cookiedomain();
! }
! }
! function create($login,$passwd = '',$passwd_type = '')
! {
! if (is_array($login))
! {
! $this->login = $login['login'];
! $this->passwd = $login['passwd'];
! $this->passwd_type = $login['passwd_type'];
! $login = $this->login;
! }
! else
! {
! $this->login = $login;
! $this->passwd = $passwd;
! $this->passwd_type = $passwd_type;
! }
! $this->clean_sessions();
! $login_array = explode('@', $login);
! $this->account_lid = $login_array[0];
! $now = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->gmtnow;
! if ($login_array[1] != '')
! {
! $this->account_domain = $login_array[1];
! }
! else
! {
! $this->account_domain =
! }
! if
! {
! return False;
! }
! if
((!$GLOBALS['phpgw']->auth->authenticate($this->account_lid, $this->passwd,
$this->passwd_type)) ||
$GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts->get_type($this->account_lid) == 'g')
! {
! return False;
! exit;
! }
! if
((!$GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts->exists($this->account_lid)) &&
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['auto_create_acct'] == True)
! {
! $this->account_id =
$GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts->auto_add($this->account_lid, $passwd);
! }
! else
! {
! $this->account_id =
! }
! $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id'] =
! $this->sessionid =
! $this->kp3 =
! if ($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['usecookies'])
! {
! $this->phpgw_setcookie('kp3',$this->kp3);
! if ($this->account_domain ==
! {
! $this->phpgw_setcookie('last_loginid',
$this->account_lid ,$now+1209600); /* For 2 weeks */
! }
! else
! {
! $this->phpgw_setcookie('last_loginid',
$login ,$now+1209600); /* For 2 weeks */
! }
unset($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['default_domain']); /* we kill this for
security reasons */
! }
! $this->read_repositories(False);
! if ($this->user['expires'] != -1 &&
$this->user['expires'] < $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->gmtnow)
! {
! if(is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->log))
! {
! $GLOBALS['phpgw']->log->message(array(
! 'text' => 'W-LoginFailure,
account loginid %1 is expired',
! 'p1' => $this->account_lid,
! 'line' => __LINE__,
! 'file' => __FILE__
! ));
! $GLOBALS['phpgw']->log->commit();
! }
! return False;
! }
! /* init the crypto object */
! $this->key = md5($this->kp3 . $this->sessionid .
! $this->iv =
! $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user'] = $this->user;
! $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['hooks'] = $this->hooks;
! if
! {
! $session_flags = 'A';
! }
! else
! {
! $session_flags = 'N';
! }
! $user_ip = $this->getuser_ip();
! session_start();
! $GLOBALS['phpgw_session']['session_id'] =
! $GLOBALS['phpgw_session']['session_lid'] = $login;
! $GLOBALS['phpgw_session']['session_ip'] = $user_ip;
! $GLOBALS['phpgw_session']['session_logintime'] = $now;
! $GLOBALS['phpgw_session']['session_dla'] = $now;
! $GLOBALS['phpgw_session']['session_action'] =
! $GLOBALS['phpgw_session']['session_flags'] =
! session_register('phpgw_session');
! $GLOBALS['HTTP_SESSION_VARS']['phpgw_session'] =
! $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query('INSERT INTO
phpgw_access_log(sessionid,loginid,ip,li,lo,account_id) '
! ." VALUES ('" . $this->sessionid . "','" .
"$login','" . $user_ip . "',".$now.",''," . $this->account_id .
! return $this->sessionid;
! }
! function verify_server($sessionid, $kp3)
! {
! $GLOBALS['phpgw']->interserver =
! $this->sessionid = $sessionid;
! $this->kp3 = $kp3;
! session_start();
! $GLOBALS['phpgw_session'] =
! $this->session_flags =
! $login_array = explode('@',
! $this->account_lid = $login_array[0];
! if (@$login_array[1] != '')
! {
! $this->account_domain = $login_array[1];
! }
! else
! {
! $this->account_domain =
! }
! $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['kp3'] = $this->kp3;
! $phpgw_info_flags = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags'];
! $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags'] = $phpgw_info_flags;
! $userid_array =
! // Thinking this might solve auth_http problems
! if(@$userid_array[1] == '')
! {
! $userid_array[1] = 'default';
! }
! $this->account_lid = $userid_array[1];
! $this->update_dla();
! $this->account_id =
! if (!$this->account_id)
! {
! return False;
! }
! $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id'] =
! /* init the crypto object before appsession call below
! $this->key = md5($this->kp3 . $this->sessionid .
! $this->iv =
! $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user'] = $this->user;
! $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['hooks'] = $this->hooks;
! $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['session_ip'] =
! $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['passwd'] =
! if ($userid_array[1] !=
! {
! if(is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->log))
! {
! $GLOBALS['phpgw']->log->message(array(
! 'text' => 'W-VerifySession, the
domains %1 and %2 don\t match',
! 'p1' => $userid_array[1],
! 'p2' =>
! 'line' => __LINE__,
! 'file' => __FILE__
! ));
! $GLOBALS['phpgw']->log->commit();
! }
! if(is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->crypto))
! {
! $GLOBALS['phpgw']->crypto->cleanup();
! unset($GLOBALS['phpgw']->crypto);
! }
! return False;
! }
! if
! {
! if (PHP_OS != 'Windows' && (!
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['session_ip'] ||
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['session_ip'] != $this->getuser_ip()))
! {
! if(is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->log))
! {
! // This needs some better
! 'text' =>
'W-VerifySession, IP %1 doesn\'t match IP %2 in session table',
! 'p1' =>
! 'p2' =>
! 'line' => __LINE__,
! 'file' => __FILE__
! ));
! }
! if(is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->crypto))
! {
! }
! return False;
! }
! }
! $GLOBALS['phpgw']->acl->acl($this->account_id);
! if (! $this->account_lid)
! {
! if(is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->log))
! {
! // This needs some better wording
! $GLOBALS['phpgw']->log->message(array(
! 'text' => 'W-VerifySession,
account_id is empty',
! 'line' => __LINE__,
! 'file' => __FILE__
! ));
! $GLOBALS['phpgw']->log->commit();
! }
! if(is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->crypto))
! {
! $GLOBALS['phpgw']->crypto->cleanup();
! unset($GLOBALS['phpgw']->crypto);
! }
! return False;
! }
! else
! {
! return True;
! }
! function create_server($login,$passwd)
- $GLOBALS['phpgw']->interserver =
- $this->login = $login;
- $this->passwd = $passwd;
- $this->clean_sessions();
- $login_array = explode('@', $login);
- $this->account_lid = $login_array[0];
- $now = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->gmtnow;
- if ($login_array[1] != '')
- {
- $this->account_domain = $login_array[1];
- }
- else
- {
- $this->account_domain =
- }
- $serverdata = array(
- 'server_name' => $this->account_domain,
- 'username' => $this->account_lid,
- 'password' => $passwd
- );
- if (!$GLOBALS['phpgw']->interserver->auth($serverdata))
- {
- return False;
- exit;
- }
- if
- {
- $this->account_id =
- }
- $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id'] =
- $GLOBALS['phpgw']->interserver->serverid =
- $this->sessionid =
- $this->kp3 =
- /* re-init the crypto object */
- $this->key = md5($this->kp3 . $this->sessionid .
- $this->iv =
- //$this->read_repositories(False);
- $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user'] = $this->user;
- $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['hooks'] = $this->hooks;
- $session_flags = 'S';
- $user_ip = $this->getuser_ip();
--- 39,49 ----
! function set_cookie_params($domain)
! session_set_cookie_params(0,'/',$domain);
! function register_session($login,$user_ip,$now,$session_flags)
*** 647,661 ****
$GLOBALS['phpgw_session']['session_action'] =
$GLOBALS['phpgw_session']['session_flags'] =
$GLOBALS['HTTP_SESSION_VARS']['phpgw_session'] =
- $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query("INSERT INTO
phpgw_access_log VALUES ('" . $this->sessionid . "','"
- . "$login','" . $user_ip . "','$now','','" .
$this->account_id . "')",__LINE__,__FILE__);
- return array($this->sessionid,$this->kp3);
--- 55,63 ----
$GLOBALS['phpgw_session']['session_action'] =
$GLOBALS['phpgw_session']['session_flags'] =
+ // we need the install-id to differ between serveral
installs shareing one tmp-dir
+ $GLOBALS['phpgw_session']['session_install_id'] =
$GLOBALS['HTTP_SESSION_VARS']['phpgw_session'] =
*** 689,695 ****
! $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->query("UPDATE phpgw_access_log
SET lo='" . $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->gmtnow . "' WHERE sessionid='"
! . $sessionid . "'",__LINE__,__FILE__);
! $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db->transaction_commit();
// Only do the following, if where working with the
current user
--- 91,95 ----
! $this->log_access($this->sessionid); // log
// Only do the following, if where working with the
current user
*** 718,775 ****
* Functions for appsession data and session cache
- function read_repositories($cached='',$write_cache=True)
- {
- $GLOBALS['phpgw']->acl->acl($this->account_id);
- if(@$cached)
- {
- $this->user =
- if(!empty($this->user))
- {
- $GLOBALS['phpgw']->preferences->data =
- if
(!isset($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['apps']) ||
- {
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $this->setup_cache();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $this->setup_cache();
- }
- $this->hooks = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->hooks->read();
- }
- function setup_cache($write_cache=True)
- {
- $this->user =
- $this->user['acl'] =
- $this->user['preferences'] =
- $this->user['apps'] =
- //@reset($this->data['user']['apps']);
- $this->user['domain'] = $this->account_domain;
- $this->user['sessionid'] = $this->sessionid;
- $this->user['kp3'] = $this->kp3;
- $this->user['session_ip'] = $this->getuser_ip();
- $this->user['session_lid'] =
- $this->user['account_id'] = $this->account_id;
- $this->user['account_lid'] = $this->account_lid;
- $this->user['userid'] = $this->account_lid;
- $this->user['passwd'] = @$this->passwd;
if(@$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['cache_phpgw_info'] && $write_cache)
- {
- $this->delete_cache();
- }
- }
function delete_cache($accountid='')
--- 118,121 ----
*** 782,802 ****
- // This looks to be useless
- // This will capture everything in the $GLOBALS['phpgw_info'] including
server info,
- // and store it in appsessions. This is really incompatible with any type of
- // from appsession as the saved user info is really in ['user'] rather than
the root of
- // the structure, which is what this class likes.
- function save_repositories()
- {
- $phpgw_info_temp = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info'];
- $phpgw_info_temp['user']['kp3'] = '';
- $phpgw_info_temp['flags'] = array();
- if
- {
- }
- }
function appsession($location = 'default', $appname = '', $data
= '##NOTHING##')
--- 128,131 ----
*** 830,1014 ****
- function restore()
- {
- $sessionData = $this->appsession('sessiondata');
- if (is_array($sessionData))
- {
- reset($sessionData);
- while(list($key,$value) = each($sessionData))
- {
- global $$key;
- $$key = $value;
- $this->variableNames[$key] =
- // echo 'restored: '.$key.', ' . $value
. '<br>';
- }
- }
- }
- // save the current values of the variables
- function save()
- {
- if (is_array($this->variableNames))
- {
- reset($this->variableNames);
- while(list($key, $value) =
- {
- if ($value == 'registered')
- {
- global $$key;
- $sessionData[$key] = $$key;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // create a list a variable names, wich data need's to be
- function register($_variableName)
- {
- $this->variableNames[$_variableName]='registered';
- #print 'registered '.$_variableName.'<br>';
- }
- // mark variable as unregistered
- function unregister($_variableName)
- {
- $this->variableNames[$_variableName]='unregistered';
- #print 'unregistered '.$_variableName.'<br>';
- }
- // check if we have a variable registred already
- function is_registered($_variableName)
- {
- if ($this->variableNames[$_variableName] ==
- {
- return True;
- }
- else
- {
- return False;
- }
- }
- * Function to handle session support via url or cookies
- function link($url, $extravars = '')
- {
- $kp3 = $GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['kp3'] ?
- if (! $kp3)
- {
- $kp3 = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['kp3'];
- }
- // Explicit hack to work around problems with php
running as CGI on windows
- // please let us know if this doesn't work for you!
- // I am not sure how my changes will affect the
- // Could someone with access to a Windows install check
it ? (jengo)
- /* if (! $url && (PHP_OS == 'Windows' || PHP_OS == 'OS/2'
|| PHP_OS == 'WIN32' || PHP_OS == 'WIN16'))
- {
- $exe = strpos($GLOBALS['PHP_SELF'],'php.exe');
- if ($exe != false) {
- $exe += 7; // strlen('php.exe')
- $url_root = split ('/',
- $url = (strlen($url_root[0])?
$url_root[0].'//':'') . $url_root[2];
- $url .=
- }
- }
- */
- $url =
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['webserver_url'] . $url;
- // This needs to be tested as well. (jengo)
- /* if (! $url)
- {
- $url_root = split ('/',
- // Some hosting providers have their paths
- // If the value from $PHP_SELF is not
what you expect, you can use this to patch it
- // It will need to be adjusted to your
specific problem tho.
- //
- //$patched_php_self =
str_replace('/php4/php/phpgroupware', '/phpgroupware', $GLOBALS['PHP_SELF']);
- $patched_php_self = $GLOBALS['PHP_SELF'];
- $url = (strlen($url_root[0])?
$url_root[0].'//':'') . $url_root[2] . $patched_php_self;
- }
- */
- // build the extravars string from a array
- if (is_array($extravars))
- {
- while(list($key,$value) = each($extravars))
- {
- if (!empty($new_extravars))
- {
- $new_extravars .= '&';
- }
- $new_extravars .= "$key=$value";
- }
- // This needs to be explictly reset to a string
variable type for PHP3
- settype($extravars,'string');
- $extravars = $new_extravars;
- }
- if
(isset($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['usecookies']) &&
- {
- if ($extravars)
- {
- $url .= '?' . $extravars;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $sessionID = 'sessionid=' .
- $sessionID .= '&kp3=' . $kp3;
- $sessionID .= '&domain=' .
- // This doesn't belong in the API.
- // Its up to the app to pass this value. (jengo)
- // Putting it into the app requires a massive
number of updates in email app.
- // Until that happens this needs to stay here
- if
(isset($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['newsmode']) &&
- {
- $url .= '&newsmode=on';
- }
- if ($extravars)
- {
- $url .= '?' . $extravars . '&' .
- }
- else
- {
- $url .= '?' . $sessionID;
- }
- }
- /* $url = str_replace('/?', '/index.php?', $url);
- $webserver_url_count =
- $slash_check = strtolower(substr($url ,0,1));
- if (substr($url ,0,$webserver_url_count) !=
- {
- $app =
- if ($slash_check == '/')
- {
- $url =
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['webserver_url'] . $url;
- }
- elseif ($app == 'home' || $app == 'logout' ||
$app == 'login')
- {
- $url =
- }
- else
- {
- $url =
- }
- } */
- //echo "$url\n";
- return $url;
- }
function session_sort($a,$b)
--- 159,162 ----
*** 1043,1054 ****
$session = unserialize(substr($session,14));
! list(,$domain) =
! if (empty($domain))
! {
! $domain =
! }
! if ($session['session_flags'] == 'A' || $domain
!= $this->account_domain || !$session['session_id'])
! continue; // no anonymous
sessions or other domains
unset($session['phpgw_app_sessions']); // not
needed, saves memory
--- 191,198 ----
$session = unserialize(substr($session,14));
! if ($session['session_flags'] == 'A' ||
!$session['session_id'] ||
! $session['session_install_id'] !=
! continue; // no anonymous
sessions or other domains or installations
unset($session['phpgw_app_sessions']); // not
needed, saves memory
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- [Phpgroupware-cvs] CVS: phpgwapi/inc class.sessions.inc.php,1.104, class.sessions_db.inc.php,, class.sessions_php4.inc.php,,,
Ralf Becker <address@hidden> <=
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