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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Palm synchro

From: Jean-Eric Cuendet
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Palm synchro
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 15:42:06 +0200
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I would think that it is easier to modify my SQL queries to use XMLRPC since
the rest of the logic is there - but if you want to start from scratch,
that's you're perogative

Yes, the biggest work is the synchro thing, not the "Get Data" part. And it's already done.

The problem that I ran into was, if I transfer info to the Palm and then one
source or the other modifies it (or both sources are modified), then how do
I match them up again?  If I don't match them up, the user will end up with
two versions of the same note.  Since I had the match-up table, I could
increase the speed of the program since I didn't always have to check every
record for a match, just look it up in the table with a single, simple SQL
SELECT statement

You NEED an ID in phpgw to track the Palm record. Can any phpgw developer add it?
Is it hard to do?
There will be 2 data needed for Synchro, be it for Palm, IPaq, etc...
- RecordID
- Last mod time
Without that, synchro will never be accurate.

I found it necessary to create a table that had four fields, a sequential id
number, the record number from phpgw, the corresponding record number from
the Palm, and the user account ID (for multiuser environment).

It's not the good way to go. It's a bricolage :-)

All this sounds a little pessimistic, I should point out that the I think
that XMLRPC is the long term solution since it can provide a uniform
interface for numerous add-on programs ... but don't expect to simply use
it, you will have to modify it

In fact, it's the phpgw schema that needs to be modified.
phpgw dev? Anyone?

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