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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Project Structure
From: |
Alex Borges |
Subject: |
Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] Project Structure |
Date: |
12 May 2003 19:41:00 -0500 |
El lun, 12 de 05 de 2003 a las 19:08, Dave Hall escribió:
> Hi phpGroupWare contributor,
> Our primary concern is that the project is run by the "core team", which is
> mostly composed of people who are not currently active in the community. We
> have also been informed that this "core team", must be notified of any planned
> development work and approve such development. We recognise that the "core
> team" are the people who have made major contributions to the project in the
> past, but in our opinions this does not give them the right to continue to
> control the direction of the project and its contributors.
This sounds incredebly right. It points to problems that have been shown
for the project many times. About time someone took the care to outline
it and address it.
> "Core Team" Restructure
> We propose that the "Coordination Team" or CT (formerly know as the "core
> team") is elected for a term of 12 months, by the active contributors to the
> project. The role of these people is to coordinate the project for the period
> they are elected and take
> responsibility for the day to day operation of the project. We feel that
> there should be 7 positions and each has an area of _primary_ responsibility -
> these areas being:
> * API
> * Applications
> * Support
> * Internationalisation/Translations
> * Documentation
> * Colloboration
> * Sponsored Development
Id like to say that any carefull planning is likely to change for any
OSS project, nevertheless, attempt to discipline and order work
definitivly help A LOT, specially for this project that has a long story
of picking stuff up, developing, then leaving (/me bites his tongue)
before finishing things.
> The allocation of areas of responsibility are decided by those elected. In
> addition to these areas of responsibility we feel that the CT, as a group,
> should also be responsible for the following:
> * be available and contactable by the community
> * furthering the development of phpGroupWare
> * guide the strategic direction of the project - in consultation with
> all contributors
> * further collaboration between phpGW and other compatiable projects
> * encourourage participation in the community
> * ensure efficient operation of the project infrastructure
> * administer the sponsored development program
> * be the contact point for the FSF
> We acknowledge that all contributors need a break from time to time, but
> they must notify the project of this and make satisfactory arrangements for
> their period of absense.
WOW..... pretty well put. Here it is the spirit of the law.
> The Role of the FSF
> As the project would be democratically run we feel that all developers
> should be required to assign copyright to the FSF, not a member of the CT. All
> domains controlled by the project should also be reassigned to the FSF. This
> way
> the project and its infrastructure is held by the FSF, to ensure some
> continuity between CT changes.
Would also ensure for once and for all that this project is truly
independent. Even Linus made this move and he even made it for the
trademark as well (through the consortium). Anyhow, exactly as written
it looks deliciously safe to invest in this project whereas without
having the certainty of an org as FSF in charge of the Assets of the
project its a bit risky.
> Developers/Contributors
> We also wish to see the title of developer, changed to the more inclusive
> title of contributor. Not every person who currently contributes to the
> project
> are php gurus - but they still make valuable contributions to the project.
> We would like to see the current "how to become a developer" document amended
> to spell out the criteria for being
> a contributor for each area of the project. All contributors would be
> expected to:
> * be available and contactable
> * maintain their area of the project
> * assist others in maintaining their area of the project - within their
> abilities
/me puts his head underground
> We propose that for the first 3 months of a contributor being added to the
> project that they will be on a "probation period", during which time they can
> participate in discussions, but do not have voting rights. The probation
> period is to protect the project from being stacked by those who wish to take
> over. Also after 1 months of un notified inactivity a contributor would lose
> their voting rights, and have to serve a 3 months probabation period on return
> or after 3 months of inactivity they would
> lose the title of contributor.
Its harsh. But as ive said, such messures well publicized in the wiikii
would help a lot.
> Decision Making Processes
> Development Plans & Reports
This works like bliss in the GNOME which is a MUCH larger project by
far. Havoc (i think) makes the weekly gnome report and this keeps
everyones energies up. Users included.
Its pretty informal, almost like an editorial review, but its pretty
cool. Im not shure about formal development reports, cvs metrics and
stuff, but the simple, end-user report is a pretty cool tool to keep
users involved.
> Conclusion
> We feel that all active contributors to the project should be the ones who
> control its destiny, not a group of former developers. We think the structure
> outlined above is heading in the right direction, but this is not a final
> proposal - please contribute to it here or on the wiki (see
> http://phpgroupware.org/wiki/restructure ). This is only a draft document, we
> seek your input
> into the future direction of the project.
I cant agree more with this all. As someone who is already dependant in
phpgw's great infrastructure in both support and just plain software, id
feel my investment in it in both time and money is safer.
I understand this is hardly the concern of any oss project but hey,
everyone speaks from their side of the trenches, i know i have a place
here and i know all developers have theirs, so there, ive spoken my
> We also propose that once accepted that this document is accepted, it will
> form the phpGroupWare project charter.
> Thanks for you time and contributions
> Ralf Becker (aka ralfbecker)
> Bettina Gille (aka ceb)
> Dave Hall (aka skwashd)
> Reiner Jung (aka reinerj)
> Lars Kneschke (aka knecke)