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[Phpgroupware-developers] Sitemgr updates in CVS

From: Dave Hall
Subject: [Phpgroupware-developers] Sitemgr updates in CVS
Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2005 09:06:08 +1100

Hi all,

I have branched sitemgr in cvs to create a new branch -
skwashd-16-compat which contains a couple of mods which I have been
playing with.

The changes are:
* WYSIWYG editor for the html block
* Ability to nominate a "default" page to be shown for a category
instead of the table

I haven't committed this to HEAD as I have bigger things in the works
for that.  The HEAD changes are a little while off tho.

Please note, in order to use these new features you must upgrade
news_admin to the version from HEAD.

Here is a quick howto:
Backup your database
cd /path/to/phpgroupware
tar -jcvf phpgroupware-backup.tar.bz2
export CVS_RSH=ssh
mv news_admin ~/phpgw-16-news_admin
cvs co news_admin
mv sitemgr ~/phpgw-16-sitemgr
cvs co -r skwashd-16-compat sitemgr

Run setup to upgrade the apps - there are db schema changes

Enjoy the new features.  As always there are unofficial releases, which
I will try to support and assist you with, but don't forgot clause 11 of
the GPL ;)  Please post problems to the user list or on savannah and I
will try to help/fix it.

I am likely to add some other features to sitemgr later this week, once
I get the new version of HR into cvs.


Dave Hall (aka skwashd)
API Coordinator
e address@hidden

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