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Re: [phpGroupWare-developers] phpgroupware website

From: Alan Langford
Subject: Re: [phpGroupWare-developers] phpgroupware website
Date: Sat, 19 Jul 2008 10:35:41 -0400
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20080421)

I have a strong bias towards "Joomla!", but it's hardly objective since I'm on the development team! The best alternative is Drupal. Both systems are very popular (our latest maintenance release has seen 111,000+ downloads since July 5th). They each have different strengths and great development and support communities behind them.

I spent a great deal of time looking at CMS systems before settling on "Joomla!", and although a lot of them look pretty good on the surface, many of them get very ugly when you try to really use them.

I will confess that I have long wished that phpGW functionality was available as a suite of "Joomla!" extensions....


On 2008-07-19 09:43, Maât wrote:
Hi there,

After a quick chat with other coordinators we agreed to open the subject about our public website.

Currently powered with sitemgr and rather "frozen" we are wondering if using something else (more "on the shelf cms) could help...

please tell us what you think... :)


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