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Re: New City Theme

From: Aggro
Subject: Re: New City Theme
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2005 19:46:43 -0700 (PDT)

--- Daniel Herding <address@hidden> wrote:


I don't like the "tux was here" text on the house. But
the city-look looks nice. Houses could perhaps use
some different materials, instead of having all
buildings from the same material. But I'm not a "real"
developer for pingus, which means I don't make any
desicions in here, so this is just my opinion.

> but unfortunatelly I found out that nobody seems to
> be working on Pingus 
> any longer,

There is still work done, but quite slowly. AFAIK the
main problem currently is with Clanlib-library, which
pingus uses. The 0.7 version needs so modern
clanlib-library that it hasn't been released yet
(current version is 0.7.8). So if we would release
pingus now, you would need to download the clanlib
from CVS (or subversion), compile it, install it, and
then install pingus, before you could play it. I think
that would be too compilated for users, so it is
propably better to wait for clanlib to release new

Also I'm not sure if Clanlib still has some bugs that
are stopping pingus or have those been fixed already.
But development will be much easier when new version
of clanlib is released, because it adds a lot of extra
work and difficulties for the developers also to
download, update, compile and install two different
projects at the same time. Also noticing that
sometimes the CVS version might not even compile or
work at all.

I don't know when Clanlib is planning to release a new

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