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Re: (obviously unofficial) Windows build available

From: Etienne Marcotte
Subject: Re: (obviously unofficial) Windows build available
Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2005 21:07:11 -0400 (EDT)

--- Jason Green <address@hidden> a écrit :

> On 10/10/05, Neil Mitchell <address@hidden>
> wrote:
> >
> > No obvious comments, but you [Jason] deserve
> > congratulations :)
> >
> Thanks, by the way. I have so far heard of 2
> computers that won't run it.

You could add mine to the list. I'm using WinXP with
no 3D card (I hope this is not the problem). I can
start the program, but it is so slow (a lot slower
than 0.6 on my Linux partition) that I must wait
seconds before the button message appears when I hover
my mouse over them (ex : start, exit, ...). It's so
slow that I can't do anything short of quitting. So my
problem is quite different than the 2 other cases.


Lèche-vitrine ou lèche-écran ?

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