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Should the music loop?

From: Aggro
Subject: Should the music loop?
Date: Sun, 9 Apr 2006 11:04:13 -0700 (PDT)

Currently the music isn't looping so it will
eventually stop if you stay long enough in one place.
This often takes less than a minute and after that the
user is musicless.

Should the music loop? IMHO the music should loop, but
I don't know if there is a good reason why it has been
made non-looping. If this needs to be changed, it can
be done by editing src/sound/sound_real.cxx file
PingusSoundReal::real_play_music() function, and by
changing the line "changing
music_session->set_looping(false);" to "music_session->set_looping(true);"

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