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[Plash] [DRAFT] [PATCH] plash.comms.event_loop: Add timeout argument to

From: James Ascroft-Leigh
Subject: [Plash] [DRAFT] [PATCH] plash.comms.event_loop: Add timeout argument to once(); Workaround for Gtk global lock issues
Date: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 18:15:13 +0000

There are two changes here:

1. Add a timeout argument to the once() method in

2. Add a workaround for the Gtk global lock to GlibEventLoop to drop the
lock when entering the event loop and reclaim the lock while entering
event handlers, as event handlers can expect to use Gtk and may re-enter
the event loop themselves when performing a synchronous call.  This is
not the ideal solution because it is Gtk specific, while GlibEventLoop
only depended on Glib before (though Glib is wrapped by python-gtk

Attached is a tool for testing whether a program is using the Gtk global
lock correctly.

--- plash/comms/   2008/02/07 12:06:51     1.1
+++ plash/comms/   2008/02/07 15:06:02     1.2
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 import sys
 import gobject
+import gtk

 class ExcepthookProxy(object):
@@ -129,21 +130,25 @@
         # Always re-register the event handler otherwise glib will
         # refuse to re-enter the handler if the callback should happen
         # to start a nested event loop.
-        self.register()
-        relevant_flags = flags & self._flags
-        if relevant_flags != 0:
-            try:
-                self._callback(relevant_flags)
-            except:
-                self._excepthook(*sys.exc_info())
+        gtk.gdk.threads_enter()
+        try:
+            self.register()
+            relevant_flags = flags & self._flags
+            if relevant_flags != 0:
+                try:
+                    self._callback(relevant_flags)
+                except:
+                    self._excepthook(*sys.exc_info())
+                    self.remove_watch()
+            if flags & ERROR_FLAGS != 0:
+                try:
+                    self._error_callback(flags & ERROR_FLAGS)
+                except:
+                    self._excepthook(*sys.exc_info())
-        if flags & ERROR_FLAGS != 0:
-            try:
-                self._error_callback(flags & ERROR_FLAGS)
-            except:
-                self._excepthook(*sys.exc_info())
-            self.remove_watch()
-        return False # remove handler
+            return False # remove handler
+        finally:
+            gtk.gdk.threads_leave()
     def remove_watch(self):
         if not self.destroyed:
@@ -181,6 +186,9 @@
 assert gobject.IO_HUP == select.POLLHUP
 assert gobject.IO_NVAL == select.POLLNVAL
 class EventLoopBase(object):
@@ -255,32 +263,28 @@
             did_something = True
         return did_something
-    def _iteration(self, may_block):
+    def _iteration(self, timeout):
         did_something = self._run_call_queue()
-        if may_block:
-            timeout = None
-        else:
-            timeout = 0
         ready = dict(self._poll_fds(self._get_fd_flags(), timeout))
         if len(ready) > 0:
             did_something = True
         return did_something
-    def once(self):
-        self._iteration(may_block=True)
+    def once(self, timeout=MAY_BLOCK_FOREVER):
+        self._iteration(timeout)
     def once_safely(self):
-        did_something = self._iteration(may_block=False)
+        did_something = self._iteration(NEVER_BLOCK_TIMEOUT)
         assert did_something, self._get_fd_flags()
     def run(self):
         while True:
-            self._iteration(may_block=True)
+            self._iteration(MAY_BLOCK_FOREVER)
     def run_awhile(self):
         while True:
-            did_something = self._iteration(may_block=False)
+            did_something = self._iteration(NEVER_BLOCK_TIMEOUT)
             if not did_something:
@@ -324,8 +328,12 @@
     def _iteration(self, may_block):
-        did_something =
-        return did_something
+        gtk.gdk.threads_leave()
+        try:
+            did_something =
+            return did_something
+        finally:
+            gtk.gdk.threads_enter()
     def once(self):

J. W. Ascroft-Leigh
Software Engineer

Cmed Technology Ltd.
Registered in England and Wales No. 3869835
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Holmwood, Broadlands Business Campus,
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Driven by technology. Guided by experience.

Attachment: gtk-lock.tar
Description: Unix tar archive

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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