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Re: [Protux-devel] protux /libmustux 0.19.4 are out

From: Luciano Giordana
Subject: Re: [Protux-devel] protux /libmustux 0.19.4 are out
Date: Tue, 9 Sep 2003 09:20:55 -0300
User-agent: KMail/1.5

This is strange, I have been using in RTC *all the time*, and it is pretty 
normal and stable here.
But when I set setuid , I indeed get some crashes. Only running as root seems 
to make it run smoothly.
Running in real time is a requirement to get low latencies.  So I suggest you 
to check what happens with other
applications that use real time scheduling, such mplayer or ardour.

On Tuesday 09 September 2003 07:25, Remon Sijrier wrote:
> Luciano,
> I've send this mail allready yesterday, but it seems my mail client wasn't
> properly configured.
> If you receive the old mail, ignore it and read this one instead please.
> <snip from old mail>
> Just to let you know, I compiled the latest libmustux with the 'realtime
> scheduling', and used SUID to set protux execution with root permission to
> enable RTS.
> It locked up my computer twice  :-(, and the only thing I could do was
> rebooting, ending up with a corrupted file-system. *sigh*
> There was a high CPU load (compiling protux, and using protux with RTS at
> the same time) and thats probably why it all goes wrong. But it shouldn't
> have happened!!
> I'll spare you the details getting my system up and running again, but I
> strongly suggest to not use RTS but only a HIGHER scheduling priority (Not
> realtime)
> </snip>
> I'm using Debian unstable, and Qt3.2.1 is now the qt version in unstable.
> So I'm using this version now.
> I'll do some experimenting with QThread::Priority() to see if it works,
> I'll let you know about my experiences with this.
> I've the feeling Qt3.2 is faster at least for drawing text, and also
> repainting the Widget seems faster.
> Only small problem for now, is that the TrackPanelArea is to width again.
> Where can I set the width for the TPA??
> Don't know if this has something to do with this qt version or not.
> That's it for now,
> Greetz and enjoy using this (almost) rock stable dev. version of protux ;-)
> Remon
> On Monday 08 September 2003 22:33, Luciano Giordana wrote:
> > This release has almost-only remons work in protux and more improvements
> > I did in MADM. Remon's work has no changelog (yet, right Remon ;-) ) so I
> > plan to add a summary in changelog soon
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Best Regards
Luciano Giordana - Musician - Certified Java/GNU C++ Developer 
Free Software Evangelist - Project Mustux - Musician Tools for GNU/Linux
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