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[Protux-devel] Last fix before Release 0.20

From: Luciano Giordana
Subject: [Protux-devel] Last fix before Release 0.20
Date: Sat, 1 Nov 2003 18:22:10 -0200
User-agent: KMail/1.5

could you set back the bus title in BusMonitor. I miss too much to know the 
name "emu10k1" or "sb" vertically at the side of VU.

These "1" and "2" only are pretty much meanless.

As soon as you fix that, I will release 0.20 and explain how the bug fix cicle 
will work for 0.20

I am waint this, and Gustavo Lemos send me the new logo, so I can upload 0.20


Best Regards
Luciano Giordana
Project Mustux - Musician Tools for GNU/Linux

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