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Re: [Protux-devel] Too much things to understand, but few to antecipate

From: Luciano Giordana
Subject: Re: [Protux-devel] Too much things to understand, but few to antecipate :
Date: Sat, 1 May 2004 20:56:37 -0400
User-agent: KMail/1.6.1

Congratulation Remon, your paper is fantastic and express exactly what we 

The new stuff is tje multiple (and overlapped) contextes thing. I dont see, as 
you say in the paper, a usage right now, but surely, it can come up when we 
implement complex actions...

Consider the implementation approved, you can commit it right now (cant 

I would like only to ask you to change the text and fit into a " 
documentation"  format for libmustux programmer guide (we have a lot of 
documentation to do in mustux project, and the text you wrote is a piece of 
art.. hehe )
just remove the " wondering"  aspect of the text and put it into "this is what 
have to be done" terms. Also put more credits (it is not only you me and 
Reinhard.. Fabio, Martin and Tapio has also credit on the idea 
development...).. My credit is only that I created the primary ideia of 
slot-driven plus context-handled jmb, and  implemented the very basic 
slot-driven engine, not the whole implementation itself, neither in the 
advanced-and-finalized concept, that is completed right now thanks to you.

Thanks again

ps - I will post another email with short term plans soon..

On Saturday 01 May 2004 03:45 pm, Remon Sijrier wrote:
> Hi,
> You're all invited to read my litle "thesis" on using the concept of
> Contexts and Modes within a MustuxApplication. I wrote it for myself to
> have it "on paper", so I - but also other people - can review it. It also
> makes it easier to (when Luciano agrees) implement it in Jmb.
> If you have questions or suggestion, please let me know. Also when you
> disagree with it, you don't make me happy if so, but so be it.
> Have a nice reading, and till next week,
> Yours,
> Remon
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Best Regards
Luciano Giordana
Free Software Developer / Musician
Project Protux : Professional Audio Tools for GNU/Linux
Portalcon Software Livre - Americana - SP -

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