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[Protux-devel] Undo

From: Remon Sijrier
Subject: [Protux-devel] Undo
Date: Wed, 5 May 2004 12:29:32 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.6.2

> ohoh ... this seems to be a very, very difficult decision, since, just as
> Fabio said, having undo after re-starting protux seems to be important
> AS_WELL_AS a good performance when un-doing actions!! and having both,
> seems to be NOT POSSIBLE, right?

I do not have much experience in using audio application but not having undo 
after restarting applications is one of the most annoying things on using an 
application IMHO.
The other one is bad undo performance ;-)

So, if it can be possible to have both, I vote for it!

Just a note, destructive editing is always undoable (rendering a Song with 
filters set for example) when not using the memory Image approach, isn't it?

If I know Luciano enough, he goes for the action/anti action approach ;-)

Don't know if it makes sense, but the "slot" thing in Jmb, does it make this 
approach more easy?


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