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Re: [Protux-devel] TrackPanel and MTP deprecated

From: Remon Sijrier
Subject: Re: [Protux-devel] TrackPanel and MTP deprecated
Date: Wed, 19 May 2004 21:57:43 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.6.2

Hi everybody,

>  I want to first get used to it by having PixMaps for
> stuff like Clip names, Track names etc., since drawing text on a pixmap is
> terribly expensive. If this is done buffered on a PixMap, resizing and
> zooming should be much more responsive since expensive drawText() calls
> are omitted :-)

DONE ;-)

Also added the method paint() to MustuxWidget, it appeared that calling 
drawArea->update(int, int, int, int) had a lot of overhead and just resulted 
in one call to MustuxWidget->paintEvent(int, int, int, int) with exactly the 
some values (those ints)
This (MustuxWidget->paint())  is the so called "immediately" painting and 
should be used with care. If multiple of such MustuxWidget->paint() calls are 
made in a short amount of time, you will notice "flicker" on the Widget.
CursorManager for example relied on the drawArea->update() calls, but Qt is 
very friendly to collect multiple calls of this type and only generate one 
paintEvent after some time has elapsed. I took care of it for CursorManager, 
but if you want to use this in the future as well (recommended if expensive 
painting is to be done, AND you know precisely which area has to be updated) 
you have to take care yourself.

You're all encouraged to see if it works without a problem for you, you should 
at least notice a speedup when using for example [ Z ].

If not you have:
a. A fantastic fast computer
b. Should throw away your beloved x386 and buy a new one (not a 386 of 
course ;-) )

Have a nice day,


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