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Getting case numbers

From: John Darrington
Subject: Getting case numbers
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 2004 10:44:35 +0800
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.4i


The examine cmd needs to report  case numbers for extreme values.

I thought that this could be done this way:

for(r = casefile_get_reader (cf);
    casereader_read (r, &c) ;
    case_destroy (&c) ) 
  const double weight = 
    dict_get_case_weight(default_dict, &c, &bad_weight_warn);

  const union value *val = case_data (&c, var->fv);
  const int case_no = case_num (&c, var->fv);


But case_num doesn't seem to do what I expected (and I was a bit
surprised that it's defined to return double).  So obviously I'm doing
it wrong.

For a struct ccase , how do I find out its case number ??


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